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     \usepackage[load-configurations=astronomy]{siunitx} % astro symbols made easy. eg: \num{2e-4} \si{\kilo\metre} \SI{2e-4}{\kilo\metre\per\second}

       \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % chem symbols made easy eg: \ce{H20}
        %\numberwithin{equation}{section} %gives eqns as 1.1 in section 1 and 2.1 in section 2 and so on. 

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                  \usepackage{hyperref} % hyperlinks to reference

                \usepackage{threeparttable} %table with notes
                 \usepackage{threeparttablex} %longtable with notes

                  \usepackage[title,titletoc,toc]{appendix} % \appendix

            %\newcommand{\sol}[1]{\odot{#1}} % short code for sun symbol 
            % {$\mathrm{}$} = Math mode in non-italized form
             \newcommand{\textsubscript}[1]{$_\textrm{#1}$} %short code for subscripting
              \newcommand{\Ha}{H${\alpha}$} % short code for H-alpha
               \newcommand{\HB}{H$\beta$} % short code for H-beta
               \newcommand{\EHaHB}{E(H$\alpha$-H$\beta$)} % short code for E(Ha-HB)
                \newcommand{\CHa} {C$_{{\textrm{H}\alpha}}$} % short code for CHa
                 \newcommand{\CHB}{C$_{{\textrm{H}\beta}}$} % short code for CH-beta
                  \newcommand{\AV}{$\textrm{A}_{\textrm{V}}$} % short code for Av
                   \newcommand{\Av}{$\textrm{A}_{\textrm{V}}$} % short code for Av
                  \newcommand{\AvCHB}{A_{\textrm{V}}(\textrm{C}$_{{\textrm{H}\beta}}$)} % short code for Av(CH-beta)
                   \newcommand{\AvCHa}{A_{\textrm{V}}(\textrm{C}$_{{\textrm{H}\alpha}}$)} % short code for Av(CH-alpha)
                \newcommand{\AvE}{A_{\textrm{V}}[\textrm{E}(\textrm{H}$\alpha$-\textrm{H}$\beta$)]} % short code for E(Ha-HB)










      \caption [Table 1]{Table 1}
      \label{Table 1}
                \textbf{} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} &     \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{CCD Data}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Aperture Radii}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Source Intensity}} \\
                   \textbf{PN Name} & \textbf{RA} & \textbf{Dec} &  \textbf{Run} & \textbf{CCD} & \textbf{X} & \textbf{Y} & \textbf{Shape} &  \textbf{Centroid} & \textbf{Inner Sky} & \textbf{Outer Sky} & \textbf{intensity  (counts)} & \textbf{unc.} \\   
                    (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) & (8) & (9) & (10) & (11) & (12) & (13)\\
                      PN G119.64+03.2 & 00:19:09.79 & +65:53:26.00 & 414 153  & 4     & 539   & 743   & C     & 4     & 9     & 14    & 1013.10 & 38.87 \\
                      &       &       & 414551 & 2     & 1968  & 1612  &        &       &       &       & 1050.30 & 43.22 \\
      &       &       & 414554 & 2     & 1061  & 2513  &       &       &       &       & 1075.10 & 38.98 \\
PN G121.68+03.6 & 00:38:54.00 & +66:23:49.00 & 417705 & 3     & 1124  & 795   & C     & 41    & 47    & 52    & 128616.00 & 1154.20 \\
      &       &       & 418383 & 2     & 1832  & 99    &       &       &       &       & 155089.00 & 930.89 \\
      &       &       & 419386 & 2     & -     & -     &       &       &       &       & 157573.00 & 931.57 \\
PN G126.30+02.9 & 01:24:58.60 & +65:38:36.00 & 367533 & 3     & 1305  & 249   & C     & 24    & 27    & 30    & 326749.00 & 1057.60 \\
      &       &       & 703469 & 4     & 354   & 3756  &       &       &       &       & 317515.00 & 1069.20 \\
      &       &       & 703472 & 2     & 1562  & 1191  &       &       &       &       & 309835.00 & 1017.60 \\
PN G126.60+01.3 & 01:25:07.90 & +63:56:53.00 & 367778 & 4     & 827.00 & 612.00 & E     & Maj=60 & 67    & 75    & 292152.00 & 1253.30 \\
      &       &       & 367781 & 4     & 1744.90 & 1521.70 & Rot=+28$\si{\degree}$ & Min=34 &       &       & 276108.00 & 1770.50 \\
      &       &       & 367894 & 2     & 1098.60 & 2801.60 & Rot=-46$\si{\degree}$ &       & 60    & 70    & 288338.00 & 2313.70 \\
      &       &       & 367897 & 2     & 173.80 & 3708.60 &       &       &       &       & 289128.00 & 2314.60 \\   
\item .......







