

以下代码给出了笛卡尔平面上两条线的图形。(我通过它们相对于正 x 轴的倾斜角度来指定线。我怀疑我提供的代码是否能有效地完成此操作。)我试图绘制TikZ这些带箭头的线,以便这些线上点的坐标介于 -3.75 和 3.75 之间。从视觉上看,这些线将由一个正方形包围,该正方形的边与轴平行,距离轴 3.75 个单位。(轴的箭头与一个正方形相交,该正方形的边与轴平行,距离轴 4 个单位。)我尝试使用该intersections包。TikZ但是,无法编译最后六个命令。



\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0pt,p/.style={circle, fill,inner sep=1.5pt}]

\draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (-3.75,0) +(-0.25cm,0) -- (3.75,0) -- +(0.25cm,0) node[below right] {$x$};

\clip (-3.75,-3.75) rectangle (3.75,3.75);

\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (-3.75,3.75) -- (3.75,3.75);
\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (-3.75,-3.75) -- (3.75,-3.75);
\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (-3.75,-3.75) -- (-3.75,3.75);
\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (3.75,-3.75) -- (3.75,3.75);

\draw[draw=blue!30,-latex] (0,0) -- (142:5);
\draw[draw=blue!30,-latex] (0,0) -- (-38:5);
\draw[draw=green!50,-latex] (0,0) -- (52:5);
\draw[draw=green!50,-latex] (0,0) -- (-128:5);

\coordinate[p,label={[fill=white]below right:$O$}] (O) at (0,0);

\coordinate (A) at (0:1);
\coordinate (B) at (52:1);
\path pic[draw, angle radius=5mm,"$\phi$",angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = A--O--B};

\coordinate (a) at (180:1);
\coordinate (b) at (142:1);
\path pic[draw, angle radius=5mm,"$\theta$",angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = b--O--a};

\coordinate (P) at (142:1);
\coordinate (Q) at (52:1);

\coordinate (R) at ($(O)!4mm! -45:(P)$);
\draw (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(P)$);
\draw (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(Q)$);

%The following code makes the right-angle mark and "colors" the inside of it white.
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (0,3.75) +(0,0.25cm) node[above right] {$y$} -- (0,-3.75) -- +(0,-0.25cm);
\filldraw[fill=white] (O.center) -- ($(O)!(R)!(P)$) -- (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(Q)$) -- cycle;

%The following code is for placing arrowheads at the ends of the line segments.
%\path[name intersections={of=(-3.75,3.75) -- (3.75,3.75) and (0,0) -- (52:5), by=intersection-1}];
%\path[name intersections={of=(3.75,3.75) -- (3.75,-3.75) and (0,0) -- (-38:5), by=intersection-2}];
%\path[name intersections={of=(-3.75,-3.75) -- (3.75,-3.75) and (0,0) -- (-128:5), by=intersection-3}];
%\path[name intersections={of=(-3.75,3.75) -- (-3.75,-3.75) and (0,0) -- (142:5), by=intersection-4}];

%\draw[draw=green!50,latex-latex] (intersection-1) -- (intersection-3);
%\draw[draw=blue!30,latex-latex] (intersection-2) -- (intersection-4);





\documentclass[10pt, border=5mm, tikz]{standalone}

\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0pt,p/.style={circle, fill,inner sep=1.5pt}]

\draw[help lines] (-3.75,-3.75) rectangle (3.75,3.75);

\draw[draw=blue,latex-latex] (-4,0) coordinate (a) -- (4,0) coordinate (A) node[below right] {$x$};
\draw[draw=blue,latex-latex] (0,4) node[above right] {$y$} -- (0,-4);

\draw[red,latex-latex] (52:{3.75/sin(52)}) coordinate (B)--(52:{-3.75/sin(52)});
\draw[green,latex-latex] (142:{3.75/cos(142)}) --(142:{-3.75/cos(142)}) coordinate (b);

\coordinate[p,label={[fill=white]below right:$O$}] (O) at (0,0);

\path pic[draw, angle radius=5mm,"$\phi$",angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = A--O--B};

\path pic[draw, angle radius=5mm,"$\theta$",angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = b--O--a};

\coordinate (R) at ($(O)!4mm! -45:(b)$);
\draw (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(b)$);
\draw (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(B)$);





我想我知道你的意思。看看下面的代码。我有一个正方形包围着这些线,这个正方形的宽度和高度都是 2(3.75) = 7.5 厘米。不过箭头被剪掉了。



\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0pt,p/.style={circle, fill,inner sep=1.5pt}]

\draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (-3.75,0) +(-0.25cm,0) -- (3.75,0) -- +(0.25cm,0) node[below right] {$x$};
\draw[draw=gray!30,latex-latex] (0,3.75) +(0,0.25cm) node[above right] {$y$} -- (0,-3.75) -- +(0,-0.25cm);

\clip (-3.75,-3.75) rectangle (3.75,3.75);

\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (-3.75,3.75) -- (3.75,3.75);
\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (-3.75,-3.75) -- (3.75,-3.75);
\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (-3.75,-3.75) -- (-3.75,3.75);
\draw[gray,dashed,line width=0.1pt] (3.75,-3.75) -- (3.75,3.75);

\draw[draw=blue!30,-latex] (0,0) -- (142:5);
\draw[draw=blue!30,-latex] (0,0) -- (-38:5);
\draw[draw=green!50,-latex] (0,0) -- (52:5);
\draw[draw=green!50,-latex] (0,0) -- (-128:5);

\coordinate[p,label={[fill=white]below right:$O$}] (O) at (0,0);

\coordinate (A) at (0:1);
\coordinate (B) at (52:1);
\path pic[draw, angle radius=5mm,"$\phi$",angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = A--O--B};

\coordinate (a) at (180:1);
\coordinate (b) at (142:1);
\path pic[draw, angle radius=5mm,"$\theta$",angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = b--O--a};

\coordinate (P) at (142:1);
\coordinate (Q) at (52:1);

\coordinate (R) at ($(O)!4mm! -45:(P)$);
\draw (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(P)$);
\draw (R) -- ($(O)!(R)!(Q)$);


