Friggeri 简历模板:条目列表内有多个嵌套项目的问题

Friggeri 简历模板:条目列表内有多个嵌套项目的问题

我正在使用 Friggeri 简历/履历模板,可以在这里entrylist。我在向具有多个嵌套项的项中添加项时遇到问题。

entrylist为了复制该问题,我在工作经验部分添加了以下 21 项:

\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine

以下是 MWE:

\documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} % Add 'print' as an option into the square bracket to remove colors from this template for printing

\addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % Specify the bibliography file to include publications


\header{john}{smith}{junior business analyst} % Your name and current job title/field


\begin{aside} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break
123 Broadway
City, State 12345
+0 (000) 111 1111
+0 (000) 111 1112
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
english mother tongue
spanish \& italian fluency
{\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} JavaScript
Python, C++, PHP





{Masters {\normalfont of Commerce}}
{The University of California, Berkeley}
{\emph{Money Is The Root Of All Evil -- Or Is It?} \\ This thesis explored the idea that money has been the cause of untold anguish and suffering in the world. I found that it has, in fact, not.}


{Bachelor {\normalfont of Business Studies}}
{The University of California, Berkeley}
{Specialization in Commerce}





\subsection{Full Time}



{Los Angeles, California}
{\emph{1\textsuperscript{st} Year Analyst} \\
Developed spreadsheets for risk analysis on exotic derivatives on a wide array of commodities (ags, oils, precious and base metals), managed blotter and secondary trades on structured notes, liaised with Middle Office, Sales and Structuring for bookkeeping. \\
Detailed achievements:
\item Learned how to make amazing coffee
\item Finally determined the reason for \textsc{PC LOAD LETTER}:
\item Paper jam
\item Software issues:
\item Word not sending the correct data to printer
\item Windows trying to print in letter format
\item Coffee spilled inside printer
\item Broke the office record for number of kitten pictures in cubicle
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 01
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 02
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 03
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 04
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 05
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 06
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 07
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 08
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 09
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 10
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 11
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 12
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 13
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 14
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 15
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 16
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 17
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 18
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 19
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 20
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 21





输出结果如下两图所示。可以看出,如果项目过多,第一页就会留下很多空白。我该如何将所有项目分布在文档的第一页和第二页中?我的简历需要包含与此 MWE 中显示的项目数相似的项目数。有人能帮我解决这个问题吗?







    {\footnotesize\addfontfeature{Color=lightgray} #3}\\%


    {\footnotesize\addfontfeature{Color=lightgray} #3}\\%


begin{itemize}[itemsep=<whatever you want>]



\documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} % Add 'print' as an option into the square bracket to remove colors from this template for printing

\addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % Specify the bibliography file to include publications

    {\footnotesize\addfontfeature{Color=lightgray} #3}\\%


\header{john}{smith}{junior business analyst} % Your name and current job title/field


\begin{aside} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break
123 Broadway
City, State 12345
+0 (000) 111 1111
+0 (000) 111 1112
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
english mother tongue
spanish \& italian fluency
{\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} JavaScript
Python, C++, PHP





{Masters {\normalfont of Commerce}}
{The University of California, Berkeley}
{\emph{Money Is The Root Of All Evil -- Or Is It?} \\ This thesis explored the idea that money has been the cause of untold anguish and suffering in the world. I found that it has, in fact, not.}


{Bachelor {\normalfont of Business Studies}}
{The University of California, Berkeley}
{Specialization in Commerce}





\subsection{Full Time}



{Los Angeles, California}
{\emph{1\textsuperscript{st} Year Analyst} \\
Developed spreadsheets for risk analysis on exotic derivatives on a wide array of commodities (ags, oils, precious and base metals), managed blotter and secondary trades on structured notes, liaised with Middle Office, Sales and Structuring for bookkeeping. \\
Detailed achievements:
\item Learned how to make amazing coffee
\item Finally determined the reason for \textsc{PC LOAD LETTER}:
\item Paper jam
\item Software issues:
\item Word not sending the correct data to printer
\item Windows trying to print in letter format
\item Coffee spilled inside printer
\item Broke the office record for number of kitten pictures in cubicle
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 01
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 02
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 03
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 04
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 05
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 06
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 07
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 08
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 09
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 10
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 11
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 12
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 13
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 14
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 15
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 16
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 17
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 18
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 19
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 20
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 21







我结束了逐项列举入场名单我希望分页的位置(在这个例子中,我在项目“学会了如何在新机器上制作更美味的咖啡 05”之后做了分页),然后再次开始条目列表、条目和条目,这样它就可以在下一页正常启动,而无需更改任何其他配置。它适用于我制作的所有遵循 friggeri 模板基础的简历。分页片段:

  \end{itemize} }



% -- Encoding UTF-8 without BOM
% -- XeLaTeX => PDF (BIBER)

\documentclass[]{cv-style}          % Add 'print' as an option into the square bracket to remove colours from this template for printing. 
                                    % Add 'espanol' as an option into the square bracket to change the date format of the Last Updated Text

\sethyphenation[variant=british]{english}{} % Add words between the {} to avoid them to be cut 


\header{john}{smith}{junior business analyst} % Your name and current job title/field


\begin{aside} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break
123 Broadway
City, State 12345
+0 (000) 111 1111
+0 (000) 111 1112
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
english mother tongue
spanish \& italian fluency
{\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} JavaScript
Python, C++, PHP





{Masters {\normalfont of Commerce}}
{The University of California, Berkeley}
{\emph{Money Is The Root Of All Evil -- Or Is It?} \\ This thesis explored the idea that money has been the cause of untold anguish and suffering in the world. I found that it has, in fact, not.}


{Bachelor {\normalfont of Business Studies}}
{The University of California, Berkeley}
{Specialization in Commerce}





\subsection{Full Time}



{Los Angeles, California}
{\emph{1\textsuperscript{st} Year Analyst} \\
Developed spreadsheets for risk analysis on exotic derivatives on a wide array of commodities (ags, oils, precious and base metals), managed blotter and secondary trades on structured notes, liaised with Middle Office, Sales and Structuring for bookkeeping. \\
Detailed achievements:
\item Learned how to make amazing coffee
\item Finally determined the reason for \textsc{PC LOAD LETTER}:
\item Paper jam
\item Software issues:
\item Word not sending the correct data to printer
\item Windows trying to print in letter format
\item Coffee spilled inside printer
\item Broke the office record for number of kitten pictures in cubicle
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 01
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 02
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 03
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 04
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 05
  \end{itemize} }

\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 06
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 07
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 08
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 09
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 10
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 11
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 12
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 13
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 14
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 15
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 16
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 17
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 18
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 19
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 20
\item Learned how to make more amazing coffee on a new machine 21








这里有一个技巧——如果你的 Entrylist 包含多个部分,你可以将每个部分单独包装为独立的 Entrylist,这样页面就会在它们之间正确分页

