

我正在尝试做一些非常基本的编程任务(但像往常一样,TeX 使这项工作极其耗时且困难(当然对我来说);/)

问题是我似乎无法让 LaTeX 扩展宏。

我有一个序列,\defaultList它只是一个逗号分隔的标记序列,例如,{a,b,c},{e,f,g}是一个 2 元素序列。我只是试图从序列中提取子元素(例如,a、b 和 c 作为要使用的单独实体)。我遇到的最大问题之一是,我似乎无法“插入”我认为的表达式的等价物(ala 通用标准编程逻辑),因为 latex 似乎认为它是其他东西(我曾尝试让事情正确扩展,但从未奏效,而且 latex 的错误消息非常复杂且没有信息量,几乎毫无用处)。

\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\N}{\seq_count:N \defaultList} % this is done because I can't seem to use the count directly(even if I wrap it in a common macro
\foreach \n [evaluate=\n] in {1,...,\N}
    \def\s{\seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n} % gets the nth item and 
    \typeout{\s} % prints out the correct {a,b,c} then next iteration {e,f,g}
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \qqqd {,} {\seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n} % suppose to turn the elements into sequences themselves so I can get at the sub-elements. e.g., first time through the loop \qqqd = a,b,c

    \def\vvv{\seq_item:Nn \qqqd 1} % \vvv should be a, the first element extract from \qqqd(and \qqqd was extract from \s)

    \typeout{\vvv} % this simply prints '\seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n' and not a, which is what I want. (or b if we use 2 instead of 1 in the definition of \qqqd.







- - 代码...

\documentclass[11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt

\usepackage{geometry} % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots.
\geometry{a4paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or....
%\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent

\usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options
\usepackage{xspace, xparse, tikz, etoolbox, subfig, expl3, pgffor}

\pgfsetlayers{bgLayer3,bgLayer2,bgLayer1,bgNotes,main}  % set the order of the layers (main is the standard layer)



% Variables

\NewDocumentCommand \clearSeq {O{\defaultList}} { \seq_clear_new:N #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \clearNewSeq {O{\defaultList}} { \seq_clear_new:N #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \litSeqToSeq {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_set_from_clist:NN #2 #1 }%
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand \addToSeqEnd {m} { \seq_put_right:Nn \defaultList #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \addToSeqStart {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_put_left:Nn #2 #1 }%

\NewDocumentCommand \popSeqEnd {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_pop_right:NN #2 #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \popSeqStart {m O{\defaultList}} {\seq_pop_left:NN #2 #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \peekSeqEnd {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_get_right:NN #2 #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \peekSeqStart {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_get_left:NN #2 #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \mapSeqInline {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_map_inline:Nn #2 #1 }%

\NewDocumentCommand \showSeq {O{\defaultList}} { \seq_show:N #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \useSeq {O{,} O{\defaultList}} { \seq_use:Nn #2 #1 }%

\NewDocumentCommand \seqLength {O{\defaultList}} { \seq_count:N #1 }%
\NewDocumentCommand \seqItem {m O{\defaultList}} { \seq_item:Nn #2 #1 }%

% A single note
% \single <string> <fret> <finger> <other>
\NewDocumentCommand \single {m m m}
        \draw node[single](#1) at (#1,#2) {#3};

% A bar
% \bar <startstring> <fret> <finger>
\DeclareDocumentCommand \bar {m m m}
    \draw[bar] (#1,#2) -- node[midway] {#3} (1,#2);

% No strike
% \nostrike <string>
\NewDocumentCommand \nostrike {m m m}
    \draw[nostrike] (#1,\chordfretstart-.5) +(-135:.2cm) -- +(45:.2cm);
    \draw[nostrike] (#1,\chordfretstart-.5) +(135:.2cm) -- +(-45:.2cm);

    %----------- This is where I need to deal with all the arguments passed 
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\N}{\seq_count:N \defaultList}

    \foreach \n [evaluate=\n] in {1,...,\N}

        \def\s{\seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n}        
        \seq_set_split:Nnn \qqqd {,} {\seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n}
        \def\fret{\seq_item:Nn \qqqd 1}                


    % Here I need to take the different elements (string, fret, finger, etc) and use them in some way. I'll, at some point need to form a new list such as {string1, string2, string3, ....} and pass that to another command for more processing.



\NewDocumentEnvironment{cgroup} {o}
        %\draw[thick,blue] \convexpath{\useSeq}{1.2cm};

% The chord environmant
% \begin{chord}
% \begin{chord}[D,G,D,G,H,E]
\NewDocumentEnvironment{chord} {o}

    % Fretboard BG Code
        bar/.style={cap=round,double,double distance=18pt},
        nostrike/.style={line width=.8mm},
        % draw grid/fretboard
            \draw[yshift=-0.5cm] (1,\chordfretstart) grid (6,\chordfretend+1);

        % draw Notes
            \foreach \tuning in \chordtuning
                %\node at (\value{chords-string},\chordfretstart-1) {\tuning};


\subfloat[F major]{
      \bar    6 1 1    % bar from 6th string down with index finger on 1st fret
      \single 1 2 a  % ringfinger on 5th string 3rd fret
      \single 3 4 b  % pinky on 4th string 3rd fret
      \single 5 6 d  % index on 3rd string 2nd fret





\clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { { a , b , c } , { d , e , f } }
\clist_map_inline:Nn \l_tmpa_clist
    \clist_map_inline:nn {#1}
      { \tl_show:n {##1} }



\def\s{\seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n}

结果\s确切地 \seq_item:Nn \defaultList \n(试着\show\s看一看)。当你这样做的时候


TeX 扩展\s,并且由于内容可扩展,您可以看到结果。
