Mendeley 和 arxiv 引用样式

Mendeley 和 arxiv 引用样式

我使用 Mendeley 作为文章库。我该如何按如下格式设置引文?


我特别希望显示 Arxiv 链接......

PS:我之前已经看到过类似的问题Mendeley 生成的 bibtex 中未显示 arXiv id 然而 Mendeley 要求 CSL 文档导入新样式,但 arxiv 仅提供 bst 文档......(无论这两种样式是什么。)


您需要为您的文档收集一些信息。首先,确保您已启用显示文档的 arXiv ID。这应该是默认启用的(我认为),但如果没有,您可以按照此问题来启用它:

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然后,utphys.bst从下载,并将其保存在与 TeX 文件相同的文件夹中。现在,当您在文档末尾设置参考书目时,只需设置\bibliographystyle{utphys},arXiv ID 就会在输出中生成。如果您在序言中加载hyperrefbookmark包,甚至会有指向适当位置的链接。请注意,如果您使用该特定文件,您的输出.bst将重复。只需删除文件字段中的即可修复它。arXiv:arXiv:IDarXiv:eprint.bib

不用担心filecontents以下示例中的环境,这只是我用来代替 Mendeley 直接输出的内容。只需删除该环境并替换the-name-of-your-bib-filetest\bibliography{the-name-of-your-bib-file}

abstract = {We present a subgrid-scale model for the Multi-phase Interstellar medium, Star formation, and Turbulence (MIST) and explore its behavior in high-resolution large-eddy simulations of isolated disk galaxies. MIST follows the evolution of a clumpy cold and a diffuse warm component of the gas within a volume element which exchange mass and energy via various cooling, heating and mixing processes. The star formation rate is dynamically computed from the state of the gas in the cold phase. An important feature of MIST is the treatment of unresolved turbulence in the two phases and its interaction with star formation and feedback by supernovae. This makes MIST a particularly suitable model for the interstellar medium in galaxy simulations. We carried out a suite of simulations varying fundamental parameters of our feedback implementation. Several observational properties of galactic star formation are reproduced in our simulations, such as an average star formation efficiency \~{}1\%, a typical velocity dispersion around \~{}10 km/s in star-forming regions, and an almost linear relationship between the column densities of star formation and dense molecular gas.},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {arXiv:1405.6245v1},
author = {Braun, H. and Schmidt, W. and Niemeyer, J. C. and Almgren, A. S.},
doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu1119},
%eprint = {arXiv:1405.6245v1},%This is the original line from Mendley
eprint = {1405.6245v1},%This is the corrected line
issn = {13652966},
journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
keywords = {Formation - galaxies,Ism,Numerical - stars,Turbulence -methods},
number = {4},
pages = {3407--3426},
title = {{Large-eddy simulations of isolated disc galaxies with thermal and turbulent feedback}},
volume = {442},
year = {2014}
Test text~\nocite{*}

