我关注了这篇文章https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/95373/861在 Ubuntu 14.04 上安装 texlive,直到我尝试让 Ubuntu 认为我已经安装了 TeX Live:
$ sudo dpkg -i texlive-local_2014-1_all.deb
Selecting previously unselected package texlive-local.
dpkg: regarding texlive-local_2014-1_all.deb containing texlive-local:
texlive-base conflicts with texlive-common
texlive-local provides texlive-common and is to be installed.
dpkg: error processing archive texlive-local_2014-1_all.deb (--install):
conflicting packages - not installing texlive-local
Errors were encountered while processing:
我记得我可能安装了一些与 texlive 相关的软件包,用于安装一些 pdf 程序。在按照上述帖子安装 texlive 之前,是否安装了以下软件包?那么我该如何处理它们?
$ dpkg -l | grep texlive
ii texlive-base 2013.20140215-1 all TeX Live: Essential programs and files
ii texlive-binaries 2013.20130729.30972-2build3 amd64 Binaries for TeX Live
ii texlive-font-utils 2013.20140215-2 all TeX Live: Graphics and font utilities
ii texlive-luatex 2013.20140215-1 all TeX Live: LuaTeX packages
在 中texlive-base