

我正在尝试创建一个带有副标题和自动行号的表格。原始表格如下所示: 表格图像 生成表格的 latex 如下:


\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Numbers=OldStyle]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setmathfont[math-style=ISO]{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}

\usepackage{booktabs,colortbl, array}

% Following is taken from Werner: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/33761/3061
% and modified for my needs
% Command \topline consists of a (slightly modified)
% \toprule followed by a \heavyrule rule of colour tableheadcolor
% (hence, 2 separate rules)
\newcommand{\topline}{ %
% Command \midline consists of 3 rules (top colour tableheadcolor, middle colour black, bottom colour white)
\newcommand{\midtopline}{ %
% Command \bottomline consists of 2 rules (top colour
\newcommand{\bottomline}{ %
        \arrayrulecolor{rulecolor} %

\newcommand\topmidheader[2]{\multicolumn{#1}{l}{\textbf{\textsc{#2}}} \\%


\pgfplotstableset{create on use/new/.style={
    create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow+1},

\pgfplotstableset{normal/.style ={%
        string type,
        column type=l,
        every odd row/.style={
            before row=
        every head row/.style={
            before row={\topline\rowcolor{tableheadcolor}},
            after row={\midtopline}
        every last row/.style={
            after row=\bottomline


    col sep=&,
    row sep=\\,
%columns/new/.style={column type= {p {2cm} }},
    columns/Question/.style={column type= {p {7cm} }},
    columns/Check/.style={column type=c},
    columns/Comments/.style={column type={p{4cm}}},
]{ %
    Question  & Check & Comments  \\
    This is row one       & \ticks &  \\   
    This is another row & \ticks & \\
   This is another row & \ticks & \\   
    This is another row & \ticks & \\
    This is another row & \ticks & \\
   This is another row & \ticks &\\ 
  This is another row & \ticks & \\
   This is another row & \ticks & \\
   This is another row & \ticks & \\
   This is another row & \ticks & \\


我希望能够在问题列前面插入一列,该列添加行号但不计算“标题”行的行数。例如,第二个子部分的最后一行将是 5,即第一个子部分中有 2 行,第二个子部分中有 3 行。


   \pgfplotstableset{create on use/new/.style={
        create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow+1},

然后使用其中columns={new,Question,Check,Comments}的来pgfplotstablestypeset显示新列,但这会导致以下错误:Misplaced \noalign.







%% the code here relies on `etoolbox`              
%% you don't necessarily need `bbding`, I just     
%% use it because I like the CheckMark it provides.

  top header/.code=\ae@question@table@header{topmid}{#1},
  mid header/.code=\ae@question@table@header{mid}{#1},
  row/.code=\ae@question@row@parser{#1},%% new key to better handle formatting of rows

%% user interface
  \edef\ae@question@table{ Question  & Check & Comments \noexpand\\}%%

%% macro to handle formatting of the headers

%% macro to handle parsing of the list of questions
%% passed through the `question` keyword
  \foreach \myq in {#1}
    \edef\myquestion{\noexpand\ae@question@cnt\expandonce\myq\space & \noexpand\ticks\space & \noexpand\\\space}%%

%% counter for the row
%% macro to execute the row counter

%% macro for building the entire table         
%% this should be the last macro called by  the
%% user interface macro `\aequestiontable`.    
           col sep=&,
           row sep=\noexpand\\,
           columns/Question/.style={column type= {p {7cm} }},
           columns/Check/.style={column type=c},
           columns/Comments/.style={column type={p{4cm}}},

%% new code to accommodate further requests
%% I rewrote your code for the `\ticks`.  Your use of 
%% \raisebox was a bit unusual and didn't accomplish anything
%% New code for the boxed that has been checked off

%% keys to be activated within the
%% keyword `row`
  question/.store in=\ae@question@row@question,
  comment/.store in=\ae@question@row@comment,

%% boolean to test whether this row should be ticked off or not.
%% default is set to FALSE

%% macro to handle parsing the row via a call to
%% the keyword `row`.  The use of \begingroup and
%% \endgroup here keep settings from leaking from
%% one row to the next.
      \expandonce\ae@question@row@question\space &
      \expandonce\ae@question@row@tick@box\space &

%% macro to handle the formatting for the comments

%% end of new code



    top header=Heading,
    question={this is row one, This is row two},
      question={How am I doing?},
      comment={I'm doing quite well},
      question={How is the other guy doing?},
    mid header=Heading,
    question={This is row three,This is row four,This is row five}}





%%<--- <:CHANGE:> <num> 



%% the code here relies on `etoolbox`              
%% you don't necessarily need `bbding`, I just     
%% use it because I like the CheckMark it provides.

  top header/.code=\ae@question@table@header{topmid}{#1},
  mid header/.code=\ae@question@table@header{mid}{#1},
  row/.code=\ae@question@row@parser{#1},%% new key to better handle formatting of rows

%% user interface
  \edef\ae@question@table{ { } & Question  & Check & Comments \noexpand\\}%%<--- <:CHANGE:> 1

%% macro to handle formatting of the headers

%% macro to handle parsing of the list of questions
%% passed through the `question` keyword
  \foreach \myq in {#1}
    \edef\myquestion{\noexpand\ae@question@cnt\space & \expandonce\myq\space & \noexpand\ticks\space & \noexpand\\\space}%%<-- <:CHANGE:> 2

%% counter for the row
%% macro to execute the row counter
\def\ae@question@cnt{\stepcounter{ae@question@row@cnt}\arabic{ae@question@row@cnt}}%%<--- <:CHANGE:> 3

%% macro for building the entire table         
%% this should be the last macro called by  the
%% user interface macro `\aequestiontable`.    
           col sep=&,
           row sep=\noexpand\\,
           columns/Counter/.style={c},%%<-- <:CHANGE:> 4
           columns/Question/.style={column type= {p {7cm} }},
           columns/Check/.style={column type=c},
           columns/Comments/.style={column type={p{4cm}}},

%% new code to accommodate further requests
%% I rewrote your code for the `\ticks`.  Your use of 
%% \raisebox was a bit unusual and didn't accomplish anything
%% New code for the boxed that has been checked off

%% keys to be activated within the
%% keyword `row`
  question/.store in=\ae@question@row@question,
  comment/.store in=\ae@question@row@comment,

%% boolean to test whether this row should be ticked off or not.
%% default is set to FALSE

%% macro to handle parsing the row via a call to
%% the keyword `row`.  The use of \begingroup and
%% \endgroup here keep settings from leaking from
%% one row to the next.
      \noexpand\ae@question@cnt\space & %%<--- <:CHANGE:> 5
      \expandonce\ae@question@row@question\space &
      \expandonce\ae@question@row@tick@box\space &

%% macro to handle the formatting for the comments

%% end of new code



    top header=Heading,
    question={this is row one, This is row two},
      question={How am I doing?},
      comment={I'm doing quite well},
      question={How is the other guy doing?},
    mid header=Heading,
    question={This is row three,This is row four,This is row five}}




也许我在整个解决方案中使用的最重要的功能是 pgf 提供的关键字方法。在 pgf/TikZ 手册中,有一整章专门介绍如何使用键。如果您是 LaTeX 新手,那么了解如何创建键可能并不像知道如何使用键那么重要。键有两个主要优点:(1) 它们绕过了 TeX 施加的限制,即宏最多可以有 9 个参数;(2) 它们使您的代码更简洁、更易于阅读。

我也从该pgf/TikZ包中获取了\foreach循环,我也在这段代码中使用了它。这非常值得您花时间阅读和尝试。对于您可以以某种方式轻松迭代的流程,您通常可以通过创造性地使用 来简化pgf事情\foreach

我使用的第二个重要功能是控制宏的扩展方式和时间。这是一个非常重要的概念,你最终会想要掌握它。但作为初学者,在你开始编写自己的宏之前,它可能不是一个紧迫的问题。控制扩展的关键是明智地使用\expandafter\noexpand\expandonce(最后一个来自etoolbox包)。阅读扩展的最佳地点当然是 TeX Book。但你也可以仔细阅读 TeX by Topic。您可以通过命令行访问最后一个资源

$ texdoc topic



$ texdoc etoolbox
