


如您所见,有些行断了,但有些行(例如第 9.15 节的标题)没有断。


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\chapter{some long title which is just a little bit too long}




正如 Gustavo 所建议的,结果如下:


编辑:在使用 tocstyle 包之前,请注意第 10.10 节之后缺少空格。此时,所有标题均正确断开。



笔记: 为了使其更顺畅,该答案已由其原作者彻底编辑过。

事实上,标准类或 LaTeX 内核\l@chapter分别实现该命令或\@dottedtocline命令,使得目录(或类似表格,如图表列表)中偶尔会出现此类不幸的换行符。除非引用的页码宽度足够宽,否则问题并不明显。


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\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti\-ve}

Blah blah.

\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti}

Foo bar.

\section{I should be sleeping now\ldots}
\ldots and not trying to post silly answer to \TeX.SX when I~am evidently too 
tired to reason correctly!

\section{I'll go}
Good night to everybody.

\section[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit enim ut fugiat]
Some text.


它产生以下输出: 原始版本


\usepackage[left= 7.5em, right= 7.5em, bottom=13em]{geometry}
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\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti\-ve}

Blah blah.

\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti}

Foo bar.

\section{I should be sleeping now\ldots}
\ldots and not trying to post silly answer to \TeX.SX when I~am evidently too 
tired to reason correctly!

\section{I'll go}
Good night to everybody.

\section[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit enim ut fugiat]
Some text.


这里是: 第一个(毫无意义的)补丁



\usepackage[left= 7.5em, right= 7.5em, bottom=13em]{geometry}
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  \def\@tocrmarg {3.5em} % Also advisable



\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti\-ve}

Blah blah.

\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti}

Foo bar.

\section{I should be sleeping now\ldots}
\ldots and not trying to post silly answer to \TeX.SX when I~am evidently too 
tired to reason correctly!

\section{I'll go}
Good night to everybody.

\section[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit enim ut fugiat]
Some text.


结果: 第二个(更简单)补丁


\usepackage[left= 7.5em, right= 7.5em, bottom=13em]{geometry}
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        mu$}\hskip .5em \@plus 1fil % <<< MODIFICATION <<<
     \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil\normalfont \normalcolor #5}%
  \def\@dotsep{1.5} % <<< REMOVE THIS LINE! (It's included only to make the 
                    % result visible.)





\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti\-ve}

Blah blah.

\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adapti}

Foo bar.

\section{I should be sleeping now\ldots}
\ldots and not trying to post silly answer to \TeX.SX when I~am evidently too 
tired to reason correctly!

\section{I'll go}
Good night to everybody.

\section[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci it]
Some text.


最后一个例子的输出: 第三个(精炼)补丁






我只是在这里猜测,但我认为你可能遇到了连字符问题。事实上,我能够得到类似于你的输出,将单词“Networks”放入 中\mbox{}。尝试像这样写章节名称:

\chapter{Quality of Service Optimization in Self-adaptive Sensor Net\-works}

所以你帮助 latex 正确地进行分解。希望有帮助!
