![\delete 和 changes 包的控制序列未定义](https://linux22.com/image/312057/%5Cdelete%20%E5%92%8C%20changes%20%E5%8C%85%E7%9A%84%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%BA%8F%E5%88%97%E6%9C%AA%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89.png)
! Undefined control sequence
以下是 MWE:
\chapter{Logic, Set Theory, Functions, and Relations.}
\section{Mathematical Logic.}
\small{Analysis is all about the theory behind Calculus. In this course, we do not take for granted such notions as what the set $\mathbb{R}$ of real numbers is; rather we carefully define $\mathbb{R}$ by `building' it out of other sets - beginning with the set $\mathbb{N}$ of Natural Numbers. Numbers and number systems (i.e. $\mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{R},$ and $\mathbbC}$) are the `building-blocks' of Analysis. Here in this book, we do not merely state the properties of the Real Number System, but we derive them. \\
However, \deleted[id=MD,remark=blah blah blah]{Would you like any toast?} before we do that (and we shall in Chapter 1), we first \delete[id=MD,remark=blah blah blah]{present} this introductory chapter - Chapter 0 - in order to give the reader the tools needed to carry on this study of the branch of mathematics known as Analysis. Here, we present a `brief' review of Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Functions, and Relations; and we `informally' define a few sets of which we shall make frequent use of in Analysis. All of them (or most of them) shall be dealt with more formally in the next chapter.}
我遗漏了我使用的许多附加包,由于错误在文档中出现得如此之快,我只显示了文档本身的第一部分。请原谅我,因为我对 changes 包没有什么经验,但我认为我加载正确,语法也正确。
Analysis is all about the theory behind Calculus. In this course, we do not
take for granted such notions as what the set~$\mathbb{R}$ of real numbers
is; rather we carefully define~$\mathbb{R}$ by `building' it out of other
sets---beginning with the set~$\mathbb{N}$ of Natural Numbers. Numbers and
number systems (\textit{i.e.\/}\ $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Z}$,
$\mathbb{Q}$,~$\mathbb{R}$ and~$\mathbb{C}$) are the `building-blocks' of
Analysis. Here in this book, we do not merely state the properties of the
Real Number System, but we derive them.
However, \deleted[id=MD,remark=blah blah blah]{Would you like any toast?}
before we do that (and we shall in Chapter 1), we first
\deleted[id=MD,remark=blah blah blah]{present} this introductory
chapter---Chapter~0---in order to give the reader the tools needed to carry
on this study of the branch of mathematics known as Analysis. Here, we
present a `brief' review of Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Functions, and
Relations; and we `informally' define a few sets of which we shall make
frequent use of in Analysis. All of them (or most of them) shall be dealt
with more formally in the next chapter.