\caption{\small{Comparison between GPS and INS characteristics}}
& GPS & INS \\\hline\hline
& Errors are bounded & High data rate \\
Advantages & Long term accuracy & Self-contained and independent of jamming\\\hline
& Low data rate & \\
Disadvantages & Susceptible to jamming and interference & Errors grow with time \\
& Fails if no sufficient coverage & Higher cost for higher quality \\\hline \hline
\caption{\small{Comparison between GPS and INS characteristics}}
& GPS & INS \\\hline\hline
& Errors are bounded & High data rate \\
Advantages & Long term accuracy & Self-contained and independent of jamming
& Low data rate & \\
Disadvantages & Susceptible to jamming and interference
& Errors grow with time \\
& Fails if no sufficient coverage
& Higher cost for higher quality
\\\hline \hline
\caption{Comparison between GPS and INS characteristics}
& \thead{GPS} & \thead{INS} \\
& Errors are bounded\newline
Long term accuracy
& High data rate\newline
Self-contained and independent of jamming \\
& Low data rate\newline
Susceptible to jamming and interference
& Errors grow with time\newline
Fails if no sufficient coverage\newline
Higher cost for higher quality \\