我正在使用 latex 超链接文章中的引文。问题是它链接了图片、方程式和章节编号,但没有链接引文链接。这是 MWE,
\documentclass[letterpaper, 10 pt, conference]{ieeeconf}
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\usepackage{hyperref} %hyperlink your equations and figures and sorts
\usepackage{times} % assumes new font selection scheme installed
\usepackage{amsmath} %assumes amsmath package installed
\usepackage{amssymb} % assumes amsmath
\title{\LARGE \bf
Some Title*
\author{Author One$^{1}$, Author 2$^{2}$ % <-this % stops a space
\long\def\/*#1*/{} % Define block comment
\graphicspath{ {Chart and Figures/} }
Some Random Abstract.
{\textit{Index Terms} - Life Science and Health Care; Mechatronics; Emerging Topics in Automation }
\end{abstract} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Results from the clinical studies \cite{cervino, c2, c3} serve as motivation for minimizing patient positioning errors during IGRT in order to minimize positioning-related uncertainties in cancer dose treatments, improve tumor control, and reduce toxicity \cite{c4, c5}.
\bibitem{cervino} Cervino, L.I., Pawlicki, T., Lawson, J.D., Jiang, S.B., Frame-less and mask-less cranial stereotactic radiosurgery: a feasibility study. Phys. Med. Biol. 55 (2010) 1863-1873.
\bibitem{c2} Xing, L., Dosimetric effects of patient displacement and collimator and gantry angle misalignment on intensity modulated radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol, 2000. 56(1): p. 97-108.
\bibitem{c3} Manning, M.A., et al., The effect of setup uncertainty on normal tissue sparing with IMRT for head-and-neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2001. 51(5): p. 1400-9.
\bibitem{c4} Hong, T.S., et al., The impact of daily setup variations on head-and-neck intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2005. 61(3): p. 779-88.
\bibitem{c5} Den, R.B., et al., Daily image guidance with cone-beam computed tomography for head-and-neck cancer intensity-modulated radiotherapy: a prospective study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2010. 76(5): p. 1353-9.
但我发现我的 \cite 引用没有超链接。有办法解决这个问题吗?非常感谢您的帮助。谢谢!
。如果你用你正在使用的 latex 编辑器打开它,你会看到以下内容:
% 2) Provide a fake nabib command \NAT@parse so that hyperref will not
% interfere with the operation of cite.sty. However, as a result citation
% numbers will not be hyperlinked. Also, natbib will not be able to work
% with IEEEtran. However, this is perhaps the best solution until cite.sty
% and hyperref.sty are able to co-exist with each other.
% It easy enough to override the fake command via:
% \makeatletter
% \let\NAT@parse\undefined
% \makeatother
\documentclass[letterpaper, 10 pt, conference]{ieeeconf}
\overrideIEEEmargins % Needed to meet printer requirements.
\usepackage{times} % assumes new font selection scheme installed
\usepackage{amsmath} %assumes amsmath package installed
\usepackage{amssymb} % assumes amsmath
\usepackage{hyperref} %hyperref still needs to be put at the end!
\title{\LARGE \bf
Some Title*
\author{Author One$^{1}$, Author Two$^{2}$ % <-this % stops a space
Some Random Abstract.
Results from the \cite{a}, \cite{b}, \cite{c} serve as motivation...
\bibitem{a} First reference
\bibitem{b} Second reference
\bibitem{c} Third reference
我只是在 cls 文件中加入了建议的三行。正如 Schweinebacke 所说,这是针对旧版本的ieeeconf.cls
您的代码包含多个错误。我在下面的 MWE 中更正了这些错误。主要错误已用 标记<============
- 必须
是(极少数情况除外)最后的包在序言中。 - 您的命令
。 - 已
。 - 我评论了你的两个 IEEE 命令,它们在我的课程中是未知的。
- 您的命令
未以 结尾}
。 - MWE 不需要定义块元素(顺便问一下:为什么要使用它?)
- 您的 MWE 的序言包含几个未在您的代码中使用的包(
\documentclass[letterpaper, 10 pt, conference]{ieeeconf} % IEEEconf
%\overrideIEEEmargins % Needed to meet printer requirements.
\usepackage{times} % assumes new font selection scheme installed
\usepackage{amsmath} % assumes amsmath package installed
\usepackage{amssymb} % assumes amsmath
\usepackage{xcolor} % <======================================= for green
\usepackage{hyperref} % <====================== last packge to be called
\textbf{Some Title}*
\author{Author One$^{1}$, Author 2$^{2}$} % <================= missing }
\long\def\/*#1*/{} % Define block comment
\graphicspath{ {Chart and Figures/} }
Some Random Abstract.
{\textit{Index Terms}~-- Life Science and Health Care; Mechatronics;
Emerging Topics in Automation}
Results from the clinical studies \cite{cervino, c2, c3} serve as
motivation for minimizing patient positioning errors during IGRT in
order to minimize positioning-related uncertainties in cancer dose
treatments, improve tumor control, and reduce toxicity \cite{c4, c5}.
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % <==================== length missing! {99}
\bibitem{cervino} Cervino, L.I., Pawlicki, T., Lawson, J.D., Jiang, S.B., Frame-less and mask-less cranial stereotactic radiosurgery: a feasibility study. Phys. Med. Biol. 55 (2010) 1863-1873.
\bibitem{c2} Xing, L., Dosimetric effects of patient displacement and collimator and gantry angle misalignment on intensity modulated radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol, 2000. 56(1): p. 97-108.
\bibitem{c3} Manning, M.A., et al., The effect of setup uncertainty on normal tissue sparing with IMRT for head-and-neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2001. 51(5): p. 1400-9.
\bibitem{c4} Hong, T.S., et al., The impact of daily setup variations on head-and-neck intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2005. 61(3): p. 779-88.
\bibitem{c5} Den, R.B., et al., Daily image guidance with cone-beam computed tomography for head-and-neck cancer intensity-modulated radiotherapy: a prospective study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2010. 76(5): p. 1353-9.
- 链接不显示的另一个原因可能是文档处于草稿模式。仔细检查以确保不是这种情况