我对 Latex 还很陌生,我需要制作两个目录,一个在开头,一个在结尾。结尾的目录应该非常详细,而开头的目录应该只是所有内容的一般概述。这是我的代码和结果:
\renewcommand*\contentsname{Detailed contents}
\part{Part 1}
\chapter{Chapitre 1 : first chapter!}
\section{Section 1 --- ch1 sec2}
\paragraph{§1 – para1}
\paragraph{§2 – para2}
\section{Section 2 --- ch1 sec2}
\paragraph{§1 – parag1}
\paragraph{§2 – parag 2}
\section*{Conclusion Chapitre 1}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Conclusion Chapitre 1}
\chapter{Chapitre 2 }
\section{Section 1 --- ch2 sec1}
\paragraph{§1 – my first parag}
\paragraph{§2 – my second parag}
\section{Section 2 --- ch2 sec2}
\paragraph{§1 – my first paragraph\\\\}
\paragraph{§2 – my2ndeParagraph\\\\}
\section*{Conclusion Chapitre 2}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Conclusion Chapitre 2}
1) 我不想在短目录中保留“结论第 1 章”和“结论第 2 章”,而只想在长目录中保留。
2) 我不希望在第一个短目录中出现页码和点。
- 为每个结论创建一个未编号的部分,但将结论作为章节添加到目录中
- 使用
{ % \renewcommand entries here will be discarded at the end of this local group
\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Short contents}
% adapted from section 9.2.2 of memoir manual
\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}% chapters and above
} % end of local group
\renewcommand*\contentsname{Detailed contents}
\setcounter{tocdepth}{4}% paragraphs and above
\part{Part 1}
\chapter{first chapter!}
\section{ch1 sec1}
``If you really need finer divisions, they are \verb|\subsubsection|,\\
\verb|\paragraph| and lastly \verb|\subparagraph|.''
\sourceatright{Section 6.2 of the memoir manual}
\paragraph{§1 – para 1}
\paragraph{§1 – para 2}
\section{ch1 sec2}
\paragraph{§2 – para1}
\paragraph{§2 – para 2}
\section{Conclusion Chapitre 1}
Here's a paragraph of text written like most people would do. Here's more of the paragraph.
Here's a second paragraph of text. It's separated from the previous paragraph by one or more blank lines.