


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l l *{7}{>{\hsize=0.95\hsize}x} >{\hsize=1.35\hsize}x @{}}
1&Massive lapilli tuffs (mLT)&Predominantly massive, well-sorted lithofacies with high proportion of juvenile fine ash matrix altered to chlorite and locally infilled by carbonates.&Mass wasting of maar-diatreme walls and deposition by gravity flows in an open crater; possible elutriation of ash from lower in the system.\\
1&Lapillistones (Lf)&Structureless and clast supported with small lapilli and a low proportion of matrix; juvenile bombs and large lithic clasts present. Localised ``raggy'' juvenile lapilli, preferred vertical orientation of clasts and apparent welding.&Fluidisation of hot lapilli in the central diatreme and transportation of outsized lithic clasts from lower in the stratigraphy\\
2&Bedded lapilli tuffs (bLT)&Highly heterogeneous lithofacies consisting of both massive and normally graded beds containing a high proportion of juvenile lapilli and highly variable proportion of fine ash matrix. Locally pockets of fine ash, pyrite and secondary calcite occur.&Subsided maar strata deposited near-vent as dilute density currents and later undercut by diatreme widening, leading to downward slumping along margins.\\
3&Massive lithic-rich lapilli tuffs (mlLT)&Structureless lithofacies locally with abundant lithic clasts and blocks, pervasive red-brown discolouration and fines-rich pockets and pipes.&Homogenous and structureless nature and degassing structures indicate fluidisation of diatreme fill.\\
\caption[Summary of diatreme lithofacies characteristics and interpretations]{Summary of lithofacies characteristics, context and interpretation for each lithofacies association in the diatremes}
\label{tb:Table 1}



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  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} c>{\hsize=0.65\hsize}X>{\hsize=1.30\hsize}X>{\hsize=1.05\hsize\arraybackslash} X @{}}
    %{@{} l l *{7}{>{\hsize=0.95\hsize}X} >{\hsize=1.35\hsize}X @{}}
    \textbf{LFA} & \textbf{Lithofacies} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Interpretation} \\
    1 & Massive lapilli tuffs (mLT) & Predominantly massive, well-sorted lithofacies with high proportion of juvenile fine ash matrix altered to chlorite and locally infilled by carbonates. & Mass wasting of maar-diatreme walls and deposition by gravity flows in an open crater; possible elutriation of ash from lower in the system. \\
    1 & Lapillistones (Lf) & Structureless and clast supported with small lapilli and a low proportion of matrix; juvenile bombs and large lithic clasts present. Localised ``raggy'' juvenile lapilli, preferred vertical orientation of clasts and apparent welding. & Fluidisation of hot lapilli in the central diatreme and transportation of outsized lithic clasts from lower in the stratigraphy \\
    2 & Bedded lapilli tuffs (bLT) & Highly heterogeneous lithofacies consisting of both massive and normally graded beds containing a high proportion of juvenile lapilli and highly variable proportion of fine ash matrix. Locally pockets of fine ash, pyrite and secondary calcite occur. & Subsided maar strata deposited near-vent as dilute density currents and later undercut by diatreme widening, leading to downward slumping along margins. \\
    3 & Massive lithic-rich lapilli tuffs (mlLT) & Structureless lithofacies locally with abundant lithic clasts and blocks, pervasive red-brown discolouration and fines-rich pockets and pipes. & Homogenous and structureless nature and degassing structures indicate fluidisation of diatreme fill. \\
  \caption[Summary of diatreme lithofacies characteristics and interpretations]{Summary of lithofacies characteristics, context and interpretation for each lithofacies association in the diatremes}
  \label{tb:Table 1}


