创建了一个表格。在标题中,我希望第一列显示“结束”除以“第 k 周”,第二列显示“总数量”除以“已售副本数”。
\usepackage{array}\usepackage{makecell}\usepackage{stackengine}\setstackEOL{\cr} %EOL is abbreviation for "end of line."
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c||} \hline
End of the \textit{k}\textsuperscript{th} week & Total Number of Copies Sold \\ \Xhline{0.8pt}
k=1 & 3200 \\ \hline
k=2 & 5500 \\ \hline
k=3 & 6800 \\ \hline
k=4 & 7400 \\ \hline
k=5 & 7700 \\ \hline
{\bfseries\Longstack{Sales of Book \textit{A}}}
使用来自 的命令很容易makecell
并更改了 的值stackdap
,因为标题与第一个 太接近了\hline
\usepackage{stackengine}\setstackEOL{\cr}%EOL is abbreviation for "end of line."
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c||}
\thead{End of the & \\\textit{k}\textsuperscript{th} week} & \thead{Total Number of\\ Copies Sold} \\ \Xhline{0.8pt}
$ k=1 $ & 3200 \\ \hhline{||--||}
$ k=2 $ & 5500 \\ \hhline{||--||}
$ k=3 $ & 6800 \\ \hhline{||--||}
$ k=4 $ & 7400 \\ \hhline{||--||}
$ k=5 $ & 7700 \\ \hline
{\bfseries\Longstack{Sales of Book \textit{A}}}
\setstackEOL{\cr} %EOL is abbreviation for "end of line."
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c||} \hline
\thead{End of the\\ \textit{k}\textsuperscript{th} week}
& \thead{Total Number of\\ Copies Sold} \\ \Xhline{0.8pt}
k=1 & 3200 \\ \hline
k=2 & 5500 \\ \hline
k=3 & 6800 \\ \hline
k=4 & 7400 \\ \hline
k=5 & 7700 \\ \hline
{\bfseries\Longstack{Sales of Book \textit{A}}}
\setstackEOL{\cr} %EOL is abbreviation for "end of line."
\begin{tabular}{c c}
\thead{End of the\\ \textit{k}\textsuperscript{th} week}
& \thead{Total Number of\\ Copies Sold} \\
k=1 & 3200 \\
k=2 & 5500 \\
k=3 & 6800 \\
k=4 & 7400 \\
k=5 & 7700 \\
{\bfseries\Longstack{Sales of Book \textit{A}}}
在这里,我使用堆栈拆分标题。OP 在评论中询问如何定义拆分标题的对齐方式。我将其显示为居中,但在代码中添加此行,它将定义拆分标题行的对齐方式:
\renewcommand\stackalignment{c}% <--- USE l,c, OR r TO SET SPLIT HEADER
标题将根据数据居中,如 的参数所示{|c|c|}
完整的 MWE:
\usepackage{stackengine}\setstackEOL{\cr} %EOL is abbreviation for "end of line."
\renewcommand\stackalignment{c}% <--- USE l,c, OR r TO SET SPLIT HEADER ALIGNMENT
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c||} \hline
\stackanchor{End of the}{\textit{k}\textsuperscript{th} week} &
\addstackgap{\stackanchor{Total Number of}{Copies Sold}} \\ \Xhline{0.8pt}
k=1 & 3200 \\ \hline
k=2 & 5500 \\ \hline
k=3 & 6800 \\ \hline
k=4 & 7400 \\ \hline
k=5 & 7700 \\ \hline
{\bfseries\Longstack{Sales of Book \textit{A}}}