

我是 Latex 的新手,无法自己解决这个问题。我尝试在文内引用中使用带有作者日期格式的 Bibtex,但它们总是显示关键字的缩写而不是作者姓名。此外,我在“参考文献”标题和参考文献开头之间看到了很多空白,这是我不想要的,而且我无法通过添加负 vspace 来修复它。


\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including pictures

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Required for accented characters

\usepackage[round]{natbib} %Bibliography!


top    = 3cm,
bottom = 3cm,
left   = 3.00cm,
right  = 3cm]{geometry} %modify all margins


%\renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{\textbf{#1.}} % Change the square brackets for each bibliography item from '[1]' to '1.'

\renewcommand{\@listI}{\itemsep=0pt} % Reduce the space between items in the itemize and enumerate environments and the bibliography

\renewcommand{\maketitle}{ % Customize the title - do not edit title and author name here, see the TITLE block below

\begin{flushright} % Right align

{\LARGE\@title} % Increase the font size of the title

\title{\textbf{Illiteracy in Europe}\\ % Title

Origins and Solutions} % Subtitle

\author{\textsc{Katherine Hardin} % Author

\\{\textit{Die Freie Universit\"at Berlin}}} % Institution

\date{Sommersemester 2015} % Date


A survey conducted during the report's preparation revealed that 
European Union citizens are generally pessimistic about the power of 
education to improve social mobility ~\cite[17]{lisbon}. Nevertheless,  
education remains a critical component of combatting the problems 
revealed by Rodriguez's report as well as establishing the culture of 
lifelong learning for which the Councile of Europe aims. Not only  is 
education the simplest way to establish contact with almost all 
citizens, but also it plays a crucial role in encouraging democratic 
engagement, fostering social cohesion, and equalizing opportunities for 
individuals' intellectual and vocational growth, three pillars of the 
Council of Europe's current education policy ~\citep{coe}. 


在我开始对格式进行故障排除之前,参考文献的编译都是正确的。现在,我把所有能想到的都改回了以前的样子,但文档仍然编译时没有参考文献列表,并且文内引用的位置用问号代替。Bibtex 文件保持不变;以下是上述示例段落中第一个引用的 bib 信息:


author = {Rodriguez, Ricardo},

title = {The Lisbon Strategy 2000-2010: An analysis and evaluation of the methods used and results achieved},

publisher = {European Parliament},

year = {2010},


现在,每次引用时我都会收到错误,提示引用未定义,或无法paper.aux识别。我先在 latex 中编译,然后是 bibtex,然后是 latex,然后是 latex,所以这不是问题所在。我还能做什么来找到问题?


在我看来,你希望文中引用的文字像 [Einstein, 1905] 那样。这可以通过以下方式实现


