%%%%%%%%%%%%% PACKAGES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%% THEOREMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\theoremstyle{plain} % other options: definition, remark
\newtheorem*{definition}{Definition} % the star prevents numbering
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PAGE SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\lhead{Real Analysis} % Left Header
\rhead{\thepage} % Right Header
\cfoot{} % Center Foot (empty)
%%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT BEGINS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{Lecture 1}
This is my first theorem.
My first definition.
This is my second theorem.
My second definition.
\section{Definition and Theorem Summary}
\textbf{Theorem 1.} This is my first theorem.\\
\textbf{Definition.} My first definition.\\
\textbf{Theorem 2.} This is my second theorem.\\
\textbf{Definition.} My second definition.\\
% --------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------
% Select the appropriate switch depending on your operating system
\OSisUnixtrue % Unix, Linux, Mac OS X...
% \OSisUnixfalse % Windows
% Load fancyvrb
% Name of the scratch file: \ScratchFile is <jobname>.tmp
% Command \SetTempFile to set names of auxiliary files where to store code.
% \SetTempFile{foo} defines \fooTempFile as <jobname>-foo.tmp and writes in this file
% the line \let\label\@gobble (this avoids warnings about multiply defined labels).
% Any existing file \fooTempFile is overwritten.
% Command \AppendScratchFile.
% \AppendScratchFile{foo} appends the contents of \ScratchFile to those of
% the auxiliary file \fooTempFile
\immediate\write18{cat \ScratchFile >> \@nameuse{#1TempFile}}%
\immediate\write18{type \ScratchFile >> \@nameuse{#1TempFile}}%
% Environment StoreCode. Usage:
% \begin{StoreCode}{foo}
% code
% \end{StoreCode}
% It typesets all the code that lies inside and saves it to the auxiliary file \fooTempFile.
% The definition is a bit tricky. It is not done through \newenvironment
% Command \StoreCounterValue.
% \StoreCounterValue{count}{foo} writes in the file \fooTempFile the line
% \setcounter{count}{counter_value}. It is useful to control numbering the second
% time the code is processed.
% Command \InputTempFile.
% \InputTempFile{foo} inputs the file \fooTempFile
% --------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------
% Auxiliary macro for writing maths
% We set the auxiliary files for storing code: thm for theorems and def for definitions.
\chapter{First chapter}
A function $f:\Rset\to\Rset$ is \emph{continuous} in a point
$x_0$ if \[\lim_{x\to x_0}f(x)=f(x_0).\]
A funci\'on $f:\Rset\to\Rset$ is \emph{derivable} in
a point $x_0$ if \[\lim_{x\to x_0}\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0}\]
exists and is finite. In such a case, this limit is called the
\emph{derivative} of $f$ in $x_0$ and is denoted by $f'(x_0)$.
The following result states the fundamental relation existing between the notions introduced in
Definitions \ref{def:1} and \ref{def:2}.
If $f:\Rset\to\Rset$ is derivable in $x_0$, then $f$ is continuous in $x_0$.
\chapter{Second chapter}
\begin{theorem}[Rolle's Theorem]
Let $f:[a,b]\to\Rset$ be a function continuous on $[a,b]$, derivable on
$(a,b)$, and such that $f(a)=f(b)$. Then, there exists $c\in(a,b)$ such that
\begin{theorem}[Mean Value Theorem]
Let $f:[a,b]\to\Rset$ be a function continuous on $[a,b]$ and derivable on
$(a,b)$. Then, there exists $c\in(a,b)$ such that $f(b)-f(a)=f'(c)(b-a)$.
Let $f:[a,b]\to\Rset$ be a function continuous on $[a,b]$ and derivable on
$(a,b)$. If, for all $x\in(a,b)$, $f'(x)\geq0$, then $f$ is increasing in $[a,b]$.
\begin{theorem}[Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem]
Let $f, g:[a,b]\to\Rset$ be two functions continuous on $[a,b]$ and derivable on
$(a,b)$. Then, there exists $c\in(a,b)$ such that $g'(b)(f(b)-f(a))=f'(c)(g(b)-g(a))$.
\chapter*{Main definitions}
\chapter*{Main results}