\Tree [.X X Y ]
The base of the following tree is aligned with the baseline \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.south)]
\Tree [.X X Y ]
\end{tikzpicture}, whereas the top of the next is aligned with the baseline \tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.north)]{\Tree [.X X Y ]} and the baseline is aligned with the centre of the next one \tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]{\Tree [.X X Y ]}.
parent anchor=south,
child anchor=north,
before drawing tree={
content/.wrap value={##1,},
typeset node
baseline/.append style={text=red},
Any node of a tree may be aligned with the baseline quite easily.
For example,
\begin{forest}[A, baseline, mycomma [B [D] [E]] [C [F] [G]]]\end{forest}
\begin{forest}[A [B, baseline, mycomma [D] [E]] [C, mycomma [F] [G]]]\end{forest}
\begin{forest}[A [B [D, baseline, mycomma] [E, mycomma]] [C [F, mycomma] [G, mycomma]]]\end{forest}
and \begin{forest}[A [B [D] [E [H., baseline]]] [C [F] [G]]]\end{forest}
This is some information
about the tree
on the right
which is quite
--- for a tree.
This is the weft
from the left
--- not the warp
or the gawp.
Far on the side,
safe from the tide,
shark of the bark.