


我整理了以下 MWE:

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: yes}

\documentclass[paper=a4, 12pt]{scrreprt}

\usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm, right=2cm, bottom=5cm]{geometry}
%% Selection of the fonts

%% No overfull hboxes anymore (hopefully)

%% to get 1.5 line spacing (actually 1.25)

%%% Load math packages

%% For the tables!
\usepackage{booktabs, tabu}



\chapter{Table For Stackexchange}


\textbf{How to get rid of the vertical offset between author's name and equation? Any idea how to avoid the \texttt{Overfull hbox}?}

\caption{Porosity Correlations from the Literature}
\begin{tabu}{X[l] X[l, 6]}
\textbf{Reference} & \textbf{Correlation} \\
Author a (1985) & 
\varepsilon(x) ~&=~ 1 \,-\, 4.5 \left( x \,-\, \frac{7}{9}x^2 \right) (1 \,-\, \varepsilon) \quad \text{for}~ x ~\leq~~0.25 \\
\varepsilon(x) ~&=~ a_1 \exp(-a_2 x) \cos{[a_3 x \,-\, a_4) \pi]}(1 \,-\, \varepsilon) \cdot \varepsilon  ~\text{for}~ x \in (0.25,~8) \\
\text{With:}~ x ~&=~ \frac{R \,-\, r}{d_\mathrm{p}} \nonumber \\
\text{Constants:}~ &a_1 = 0.3463 \quad a_2 = 0.4274 \quad a_3 = 2.4509 \quad a_4 = 2.2011 \nonumber
} \\
Author b (1989) & 
\varepsilon(r) ~&=~ \varepsilon \,+\, (1 \,-\, \varepsilon)J_0(a \, r^*) \exp(-b \, r^*) \\
\text{With:} \nonumber \\
a ~&=~ 
8.243 \,-\, \frac{12.98}{D/d_\mathrm{p} \,-\, 3.156} & \text{for}~ 2.61 \leq D/d_\mathrm{p} \leq 13 \\
7.383 \,-\, \frac{2.932}{D/d_\mathrm{p} \,-\, 9.864} & \text{for}~ D/d_\mathrm{p} > 13
\nonumber \\
b ~&=~ 0.304 \,-\, \frac{0.724}{D/d_\mathrm{p}}, \quad r^* ~=~ \frac{r}{d_\mathrm{p}}, \quad \varepsilon ~=~ 0.379 \,+\, \frac{0.078}{D/d_\mathrm{p} \,-\, 1.80} \nonumber
} \\





  1. 作者姓名和方程式之间的垂直间距明显。如何让它们的高度相同?

  2. 第 56 行有一个溢出的水平盒子,这尤其难看,因为不仅文本,而且禁忌的顶部、中间和底部规则也延伸到边缘。(比较表格下方“will”的位置和底线。)如何避免这种情况?我知道我可以插入手动换行符,但没有更好的方法吗?

因为这是我在 TeX.SX 上的第一篇文章,所以请随意改进它。






  • 省略所有\,~指令,这些指令目前用于覆盖 TeX 自己的间距规则(但您不能以完全一致的方式执行此操作)

  • 去掉周围的花括号\cos[a_3 x - a_4) \pi]

  • 使用dcases环境而不是cases环境。


% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: yes}

\documentclass[paper=a4, 12pt]{scrreprt}

\usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm, right=2cm, bottom=5cm]{geometry}
%% Selection of the fonts

%% No overfull hboxes anymore (hopefully)

%% to get 1.5 line spacing (actually 1.25)

%%% Load math packages

%% For the tables!
\usepackage{booktabs, tabu}




%\chapter{Table For Stackexchange}

%\textbf{How to get rid of the vertical offset between author's name and equation? Any idea how to avoid the \texttt{Overfull hbox}?}

\caption{Porosity Correlations from the Literature}
\begin{tabu}{@{} X[l] X[l, 6] @{}}
\textbf{Reference} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Correlation}} \\
Author a (1985) 
& $\begin{aligned}[t]
&\varepsilon(x) = 
1 - 4.5 \left( x - \tfrac{7}{9}x^2 \right) (1 - \varepsilon) 
    & \text{for $x \leq0.25$} \\
a_1 \exp(-a_2 x) \cos[a_3 x - a_4) \pi](1 - \varepsilon) \varepsilon  
    & \text{for $x \in (0.25,8)$} \end{dcases}\\[1ex]
&\text{With: $x = (R - r)/d_\mathrm{p}$}  \\
&\text{Constants:  $a_1 = 0.3463$, $a_2 = 0.4274$, $a_3 = 2.4509$, $a_4 = 2.2011$}
\end{aligned}$ \\[2ex]
Author b (1989) 
& $\begin{aligned}[t]
\varepsilon(r) &= \varepsilon + (1 - \varepsilon) \Jzero(a  r^*) \exp(-b  r^*) \\[1.5ex]
a &=
8.243 - \frac{12.98}{D/d_\mathrm{p} - 3.156} & \text{for $2.61 \leq D/d_\mathrm{p} \leq 13$} \\[1ex]
7.383 - \frac{2.932}{D/d_\mathrm{p} - 9.864} & \text{for $D/d_\mathrm{p} > 13$}
b &= 0.304 - \frac{0.724}{D/d_\mathrm{p}}, \quad r^* = \frac{r}{d_\mathrm{p}}, \quad \varepsilon = 0.379 + \frac{0.078}{D/d_\mathrm{p} - 1.80} 
\end{aligned}$ \\



附录解决 OP 的后续评论:为了将aligned上例中使用的环境的简单性与为主要方程式分配方程式编号的能力(以及创建交叉引用)结合起来,您可能希望提供一个额外的列(或类型r) in thetabu` 环境。


\documentclass[paper=a4, 12pt]{scrreprt}

\usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm, right=2cm, bottom=5cm]{geometry}
%% Selection of the fonts

%% No overfull hboxes anymore (hopefully)

%% to get 1.5 line spacing (actually 1.25)

%%% Load math packages

%% For the tables!
\usepackage{booktabs, tabu}




%\chapter{Table For Stackexchange}

%\textbf{How to get rid of the vertical offset between author's name and equation? Any idea how to avoid the \texttt{Overfull hbox}?}

\caption{Porosity Correlations from the Literature}
\begin{tabu}{@{} X[l] X[l, 6] r @{}}
\textbf{Reference} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Correlation}} \\
Author a (1985)
& $\begin{aligned}[t]
&\varepsilon(x) =
1 - 4.5 \left( x - \tfrac{7}{9}x^2 \right) (1 - \varepsilon)
    & \text{for $x \leq0.25$} \\
a_1 \exp(-a_2 x) \cos[a_3 x - a_4) \pi](1 - \varepsilon) \varepsilon
    & \text{for $x \in (0.25,8)$} \end{dcases} \\[1ex]
&\text{With: $x = (R - r)/d_\mathrm{p}$}  \\
&\text{Constants:  $a_1 = 0.3463$, $a_2 = 0.4274$, $a_3 = 2.4509$, $a_4 = 2.2011$}
\end{aligned}$ &
Author b (1989)
& $\begin{aligned}[t]
&\varepsilon(r) = \varepsilon + (1 - \varepsilon) \Jzero(a  r^*) \exp(-b  r^*) \\[1.5ex]
&a =
8.243 - \frac{12.98}{D/d_\mathrm{p} - 3.156} & \text{for $2.61 \leq D/d_\mathrm{p} \leq 13$} \\[1ex]
7.383 - \frac{2.932}{D/d_\mathrm{p} - 9.864} & \text{for $D/d_\mathrm{p} > 13$}
&b = 0.304 - \frac{0.724}{D/d_\mathrm{p}}\,, \quad 
 r^* = \frac{r}{d_\mathrm{p}}\,, \quad 
 \varepsilon = 0.379 + \frac{0.078}{D/d_\mathrm{p} - 1.80}
\end{aligned}$ & 

Here are cross-references to equations \eqref{eq:author_a} and \eqref{eq:author_b}.



我做了两个小改动 * 放置负垂直空间以对齐数学和作者。不幸的是,这需要手动调整。(可能是一种更优雅的方式) * 我调整了列比例(参见 tabu 手册第 10 页,http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tabu/tabu.pdf) 来消除大部分 Overfull \hbox。但是,我怀疑要消除它,您必须重写有问题的方程式以使用较少的水平空间。

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: yes}

\documentclass[paper=a4, 12pt]{scrreprt}

\usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm, right=2cm, bottom=5cm]{geometry}
%% Selection of the fonts

%% No overfull hboxes anymore (hopefully)

%% to get 1.5 line spacing (actually 1.25)

%%% Load math packages

%% For the tables!
\usepackage{booktabs, tabu}



\chapter{Table For Stackexchange}


\textbf{How to get rid of the vertical offset between author's name and equation? Any idea how to avoid the \texttt{Overfull hbox}?}

\caption{Porosity Correlations from the Literature}
\begin{tabu}{X X[1, 7.5]}
\textbf{Reference} & \textbf{Correlation} \\
Author a (1985)& 
\varepsilon(x) ~&=~ 1 \,-\, 4.5 \left( x \,-\, \frac{7}{9}x^2 \right) (1 \,-\, \varepsilon) \quad \text{for}~ x ~\leq~~0.25 \\
\varepsilon(x) ~&=~ a_1 \exp(-a_2 x) \cos{[a_3 x \,-\, a_4) \pi]}(1 \,-\, \varepsilon) \cdot \varepsilon  ~\text{for}~ x \in (0.25,~8) \\
\text{With:}~ x ~&=~ \frac{R \,-\, r}{d_\mathrm{p}} \nonumber \\
\text{Constants:}~ &a_1 = 0.3463 \quad a_2 = 0.4274 \quad a_3 = 2.4509 \quad a_4 = 2.2011 \nonumber
Author b (1989) & 
\varepsilon(r) ~&=~ \varepsilon \,+\, (1 \,-\, \varepsilon)J_0(a \, r^*) \exp(-b \, r^*) \\
\text{With:} \nonumber \\
a ~&=~ 
8.243 \,-\, \frac{12.98}{D/d_\mathrm{p} \,-\, 3.156} & \text{for}~ 2.61 \leq D/d_\mathrm{p} \leq 13 \\
7.383 \,-\, \frac{2.932}{D/d_\mathrm{p} \,-\, 9.864} & \text{for}~ D/d_\mathrm{p} > 13
\nonumber \\
b ~&=~ 0.304 \,-\, \frac{0.724}{D/d_\mathrm{p}}, \quad r^* ~=~ \frac{r}{d_\mathrm{p}}, \quad \varepsilon ~=~ 0.379 \,+\, \frac{0.078}{D/d_\mathrm{p} \,-\, 1.80} \nonumber
} \\



以下仅是表格: 在此处输入图片描述
