





\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering 
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} lll} 
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Example & Reference \\\\[-1.8ex]
Northern Wheatears had higher reproductive success in higher vegetation height & ArltPart2007 \\ 
Mallards that avoided wetlands with large expanses of open water had higher reproductive success & BloomEtAl2013 \\ 
American Redstarts that occupied wet forest habitat in the winter raised more offspring than conspecifics occupying other habitats in the winter & NorrisEtAl2003 \\ 
Great Tits nesting in mature woodland produced larger broods than conspecifics nesting in gardens and hedgerows & RiddingtonGosler1995 \\ 
Reduction in winter stubble has led to a reduction in Reed Bunting survival rate & PeachEtAl1999 \\ 
Fledgling Ovenbird survival increased with vegetation structure & KingEtAl2006 \\ 
Daily nest survival of eight forest species was positively related to nest distance from the forest edge and nest height & NewmarkEtAl2011 \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
  \caption{Examples of the effects on habitat on individual fitness.} 

\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering 
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} lll} 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
Example & Reference \\\\[-1.8ex]
Northern Wheatears had higher reproductive success in higher\\ vegetation height & ArltPart2007 \\ 
Mallards that avoided wetlands with large expanses of open\\ water had higher reproductive success & BloomEtAl2013 \\ 
American Redstarts that occupied wet forest habitat in the\\ winter raised more offspring than conspecifics\\ occupying other habitats in the winter & NorrisEtAl2003 \\ 
Great Tits nesting in mature woodland produced larger\\ broods than conspecifics nesting in gardens and hedgerows & RiddingtonGosler1995 \\ 
Reduction in winter stubble has led to a reduction in Reed Bunting survival rate & PeachEtAl1999 \\ 
Fledgling Ovenbird survival increased with vegetation\\ structure & KingEtAl2006 \\ 
Daily nest survival of eight forest species was positively\\ related to nest distance from the forest edge and nest height & NewmarkEtAl2011 \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
  \caption{Examples of the effects on habitat on individual fitness.} 




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Start of long text ... & Reference \\
long text continued    & \\

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  \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\hangindent=1em\hangafter=1 }Xl}
    Example & Reference \\
    Northern Wheatears had higher reproductive success in higher vegetation
    height & ArltPart2007 \\
    Mallards that avoided wetlands with large expanses of open water had
    higher reproductive success & BloomEtAl2013 \\
    American Redstarts that occupied wet forest habitat in the winter raised
    more offspring than conspecifics occupying other habitats in the winter &
    NorrisEtAl2003 \\
    Great Tits nesting in mature woodland produced larger broods than
    conspecifics nesting in gardens and hedgerows & RiddingtonGosler1995 \\
    Reduction in winter stubble has led to a reduction in Reed Bunting
    survival rate & PeachEtAl1999 \\
    Fledgling Ovenbird survival increased with vegetation structure &
    KingEtAl2006 \\
    Daily nest survival of eight forest species was positively related to
    nest distance from the forest edge and nest height & NewmarkEtAl2011 \\
  \caption{Examples of the effects on habitat on individual fitness.}
    Example & Reference \\
    Northern Wheatears had higher reproductive success in higher vegetation
    height & ArltPart2007 \\
    Mallards that avoided wetlands with large expanses of open water had
    higher reproductive success & BloomEtAl2013 \\
    American Redstarts that occupied wet forest habitat in the winter raised
    more offspring than conspecifics occupying other habitats in the winter &
    NorrisEtAl2003 \\
    Great Tits nesting in mature woodland produced larger broods than
    conspecifics nesting in gardens and hedgerows & RiddingtonGosler1995 \\
    Reduction in winter stubble has led to a reduction in Reed Bunting
    survival rate & PeachEtAl1999 \\
    Fledgling Ovenbird survival increased with vegetation structure &
    KingEtAl2006 \\
    Daily nest survival of eight forest species was positively related to
    nest distance from the forest edge and nest height & NewmarkEtAl2011 \\
  \caption{Examples of the effects on habitat on individual fitness.}







\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering
Example & Reference \\
Northern Wheatears had higher reproductive success in higher vegetation height 
    & ArltPart2007 \\
Mallards that avoided wetlands with large expanses of open water had higher reproductive success 
    & BloomEtAl2013 \\
American Redstarts that occupied wet forest habitat in the winter raised more offspring than conspecifics occupying other habitats in the winter 
    & NorrisEtAl2003 \\
Great Tits nesting in mature woodland produced larger broods than conspecifics nesting in gardens and hedgerows 
    & RiddingtonGosler1995 \\
Reduction in winter stubble has led to a reduction in Reed Bunting survival rate
    & PeachEtAl1999 \\
Fledgling Ovenbird survival increased with vegetation structure 
    & KingEtAl2006 \\
Daily nest survival of eight forest species was positively related to nest distance from the forest edge and nest height 
    & NewmarkEtAl2011 \\
\caption{Examples of the effects on habitat on individual fitness.}


\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{5pt}} lll}
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Example & Reference \\\\[-1.8ex]
Northern Wheatears had higher reproductive success in higher vegetation height & ArltPart2007 \\
Mallards that avoided wetlands with large expanses of open water had higher reproductive success & BloomEtAl2013 \\
American Redstarts that occupied wet forest habitat in the winter raised more offspring than conspecifics occupying other habitats in the winter & NorrisEtAl2003 \\
Great Tits nesting in mature woodland produced larger broods than conspecifics nesting in gardens and hedgerows & RiddingtonGosler1995 \\
Reduction in winter stubble has led to a reduction in Reed Bunting survival rate & PeachEtAl1999 \\
Fledgling Ovenbird survival increased with vegetation structure & KingEtAl2006 \\
Daily nest survival of eight forest species was positively related to nest distance from the forest edge and nest height & NewmarkEtAl2011 \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
  \caption{Examples of the effects on habitat on individual fitness.}


