\DontPrintSemicolon % Some LaTeX compilers require you to use\dontprintsemicolon instead
\KwIn{A finite set $A=\{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n\}$ of integers}
\KwOut{The largest element in the set}
$max \gets a_1$\;
\For{$i \gets 2$ \textbf{to} $n$} {
\If{$a_i > max$} {
$max \gets a_i$\;
\caption{{\sc Max} finds the maximum number}
这里 \SetNoLine 不起作用
\DontPrintSemicolon % Some LaTeX compilers require you to use\dontprintsemicolon instead
\KwIn{A finite set $A=\{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n\}$ of integers}
\KwOut{The largest element in the set}
$max \gets a_1$\;
\For{$i \gets 2$ \textbf{to} $n$} {
\If{$a_i > max$} {
$max \gets a_i$\;
\caption{{\sc Max} finds the maximum number}
\DontPrintSemicolon % Some LaTeX compilers require you to use\dontprintsemicolon instead
\KwIn{A finite set $A=\{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n\}$ of integers}
\KwOut{The largest element in the set}
$max \gets a_1$\;
\For{$i \gets 2$ \textbf{to} $n$} {
\If{$a_i > max$} {
$max \gets a_i$\;
\caption{{\sc Max} finds the maximum number}