

我正在使用 Tufte Style Book Template,并且有大量参考书目。对于仅有参考书目页面,我在参考书目环境中添加以下两行将页面宽度更改为全宽:





.bib 文件:

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Beautiful Evidence},
    year = {2006},
    publisher = {Graphics Press, {LLC}},
    month = {May},
    edition = {First},
    place = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-7-7}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {The Visual Display of Quantitative Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {2001},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-4-2}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Visual Explanations},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1997},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-2-6}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}


    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}

    author = {Edward R. Tufte},
    title = {Envisioning Information},
    publisher = {Graphics Press},
    year = {1990},
    address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
    isbn = {0-9613921-1-8}


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我找到了一个解决方案,适用于“全宽”双面 Tufte 风格的书籍。


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