yathesis 中的“floatrow”包存在问题

yathesis 中的“floatrow”包存在问题

我用它yathesis来编辑我的论文。在模板的主文件中,会自动添加“floatrow”包。我使用的是 Mac OS X 10.10。

今天之前,我的 MacTex 版本是 2014,编译成功。今天晚上,我安装了 MacTeX 2015(旧版本已卸载)。然后出现了如下问题。我做了一些测试,确定问题出在软件包上floatrow。我试图在网上寻找一些解决方案。有人建议etex在之后添加软件包\documentclass{},但问题仍然存在。我该怎么办?谢谢。


\usepackage{lipsum} % À proscrire dans un vrai mémoire de thèse !


No room for a new \count . ...finable\flrow@foot{\newinsert\flrow@foot}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{table}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{table}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{figure}
fixltx2e is not required with releases after 2015(fixltx2e) All fixes are now in the LaTeX kernel.
Mismatch between \language (patterns)(iflang) and setting of \languagename.
Local config file subfigure.cfg used *
No file annexes/mobileRobot.aux.
W0030(minitoc(hints)) --- The \part command is altered (minitoc(hints)) after minitoc.
W0023(minitoc(hints)) --- It may be the consequence (minitoc(hints)) of loading the ``hyperref'' package.
W0028(minitoc(hints)) --- The \chapter command is altered (minitoc(hints)) after minitoc.
W0023(minitoc(hints)) --- It may be the consequence (minitoc(hints)) of loading the ``hyperref'' package.
Overfull \hbox (17.07799pt too wide) in paragraph
Underfull \vbox (badness 4954) has occurred while \output is active []
Overfull \hbox (7.54387pt too wide) in paragraph
Overfull \hbox (6.87936pt too wide) in paragraph
Underfull \vbox (badness 4726) has occurred while \output is active []
/usr/texbin/pdflatex (file ./images/chap1/6-topology-hybrid.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page>] (./these.mw)<images/chap1/7-simple-topo-centre.pdf, id=1200, 304.88907pt x 142.28156pt>File: images/chap1/7-simple-topo-centre.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)
/usr/texbin/pdflatex (file ./images/chap1/8-simple-topo-peer.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page> <./images/chap1/9-simple-topo-bus.pdf
/usr/texbin/pdflatex (file ./images/chap1/9-simple-topo-bus.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page> <./images/chap1/10-simple-topo-ring.pdf
/usr/texbin/pdflatex (file ./images/chap1/10-simple-topo-ring.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page>] (./these.mw)<images/chap1/11-complex-topo.pdf, id=1362, 378.66469pt x 195.73125pt>File: images/chap1/11-complex-topo.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)
Overfull \hbox (6.67516pt too wide) in paragraph
Underfull \vbox (badness 2837) has occurred while \output is active []
Overfull \hbox (2.3493pt too wide) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 1189) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
Overfull \hbox (1.91763pt too wide) in paragraph
Overfull \hbox (4.0362pt too wide) in paragraph
Overfull \hbox (1.69344pt too wide) in paragraph
Overfull \hbox (41.95688pt too wide) in paragraph
Overfull \hbox (12.6409pt too wide) in paragraph
W0033(minitoc(hints)) The caption package should be (minitoc(hints)) loaded BEFORE the minitoc package.
W0024(minitoc(hints)) Some hints have been written (minitoc(hints)) in the these.log file.
No file annexes/mobileRobot.aux.
There were undefined references.
Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.
name{appendix.B} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{appendix.A} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter*.58} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter.6} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter.5} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter.4} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter.3} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter.2} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{section*.6} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
name{chapter*.5} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one









同时,通常情况下,如果你加载floatrow 第一的在经典寄存器用完之前,但是这里的类甚至让序言的开始变得太晚,你可以这样做





