双列模式下的 Supertabular:不需要的分页符

双列模式下的 Supertabular:不需要的分页符

对于我当前的项目,我需要多个表格,其中包含 2 列,跨越多个页面,并且全部双列模式!如果我没错的话,Supertabular 应该是正确的选择。


MWE (2 次 LaTeX 运行):

\geometry{a4paper, twocolumn, columnsep=10mm, top=10mm, left=10mm, right=10mm, bottom=10mm,
headsep=0mm, footskip=0mm}

    \tablefirsthead{Col A & Larger Column B \\ \hline}%
    \forloop{mycounterB}{1}{\value{mycounterB} < #1}{\themycounterB & \lipsum[#1] \\}
    last & line \\


\forloop{mycounterA}{1}{\value{mycounterA} < 3}{
    \forloop{mycounterC}{1}{\value{mycounterC} < 9}{



例如,此处第 4 页,整个下一个表格被移动到下一页列。我针对有问题的表格获取了以下日志:

Starting a new supertabular
Average line height: 13.0pt
Stretched line height: 1.0pt
Calculating height of tabular on first page
Height of text = 381.45132pt; 
Height of page = 788.14136pt

two column mode
First column

Available height: 406.69003pt
Height of head: 12.4pt
Height of tail: 15.5pt

Maximum height of tabular: 406.69003pt
Minimum height of tabular: 40.9pt

Space left for tabular: 393.69003pt
Added par box with height 178.54448pt
Space left for tabular: 196.29002pt
Added par box with height 178.54448pt
Space left for tabular: -1.10999pt

Tabular too high, moving to next page

Added par box with height 178.54448pt
Space left for tabular: 184.88577pt
Starting new page, writing tail
Calculating height of tabular on next page
Maximum height of tabular: 788.14136pt
writing head
Added par box with height 178.54448pt
Space left for tabular: 590.74135pt
Added par box with height 178.54448pt
Space left for tabular: 393.34134pt
Added par box with height 178.54448pt
Space left for tabular: 195.94133pt
Space left for tabular: 182.94133pt
Ended a supertabular


总而言之:浪费了太多空间,这是不可接受的 :-(


