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The diversity of feedstocks which can be processed by pyrolysis and the large number of design variables make it difficult to identify the optimum pyrolysis technology for a given situation.
Target & Particle size & Reactor type & Heating rate & Operation mode\\
\multirow{4}{3em}{Bio-oil\\Syngas\\Biochar\\Heat} &
\multirow{4}{3em}{Trucks\\Chips\\Fine particles} &
\multirow{4}{3em}{Fixed bed\\Moving bed\\Fluidized bed} &
\multirow{4}{3em}{Slow\\Fast} &
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FAST SLOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subsection{Fast and slow pyrolysis}
Slow pyrolysis, or conventional carbonization, is the oldest industrial technologies developed by humankind \cite{Harris:1999}.
任何想法? :)
\usepackage{booktabs}% nicer horizontal lines
The diversity of feedstocks which can be processed by pyrolysis and the
large number of design variables make it difficult to identify the optimum
pyrolysis technology for a given situation.
Target \\
Bio-oil \\ Syngas \\ Biochar \\ Heat \\
\hspace{.5em plus 1fill}
Particle size \\
Trucks \\ Chips \\ Fine particles \\
\hspace{.5em plus 1fill}
Reactor type \\
Fixed bed \\ Moving bed \\ Fluidized bed \\
\hspace{.5em plus 1fill}
Heating \\ rate \\
Slow \\ Fast \\
\hspace{.5em plus 1fill}
Operation \\ mode \\
Batch \\ Continuous \\ Intermittent \\
\subsection{Fast and slow pyrolysis}
Slow pyrolysis, or conventional carbonization, is the oldest industrial
technologies developed by humankind.
The diversity of feedstocks which can be processed by pyrolysis and the
large number of design variables make it difficult to identify the optimum
pyrolysis technology for a given situation.
Target & Particle size & Reactor type
& \begin{tabular}[b]{@{}c@{}} Heating\\rate\end{tabular}
& \begin{tabular}[b]{@{}c@{}} Operation\\mode\end{tabular}
Bio-oil & Trucks & Fixed bed & Slow & Batch \\
Syngas & Chips & Moving bed & Fast & Continuous \\
Biochar & Fine particles & Fluidized bed & & Intermittent \\
Heat & & & & \\
\subsection{Fast and slow pyrolysis}
Slow pyrolysis, or conventional carbonization, is the oldest industrial
technologies developed by humankind.