



\begin{tikzpicture}[trim left]
    legend style={font=\footnotesize}}
scaled y ticks = false,
ylabel={Area$\times 10^{3}$},
legend cell align=left,
legend pos=north west,
xmin=0, ymin=0,
ignore zero=y]
\addplot[only marks] table[x=X,y=Y]{
    X Y
    0   8.046
    5   302.329
    10  606.470
    20  1122.1465
    30  1666.8665
\addlegendentry{data points}
\addplot[no marks] table[y={create col/linear regression={y=Y}}] % compute a linear regression from the
%input table
    X Y
    0   8.046
    5   302.329
    10  606.470
    20  1122.1465
    30  1666.8665
    $\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfplotstableregressiona} \cdot x
    \pgfmathprintnumber[print sign]{\pgfplotstableregressionb}$ lin. regression} 
    \addplot[no marks, dashed] table[x=X,y=Y]{
    X Y
    1.390942009 162.4025826
    5 360.5841458
    10 635.1454906
    20 1184.26818
    30 1733.39087
\addlegendentry{upper and lower CI}
\addplot[no marks, dashed] table[x=X,y=Y]{
    X Y
    1.390942009 44.98118766
    5 243.1627508
    10 517.7240956
    20 1066.846785
    30 1615.969475
\addplot[no marks, dotted, very thick] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    0 103.6918851
    1.390942009 103.6918851
\addplot[no marks, dotted, very thick] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    1.390942009 103.6918851
    1.390942009 1.390942009
\addplot[only marks, mark=triangle, mark size=4] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    10.40635194 598.7485
\addlegendentry{Unknown A}
\addplot[only marks, mark=diamond, mark size=4] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    13.1795209 751.0295
\addlegendentry{Unknown B}
\node at (axis cs:1.8,60) [anchor=west] {\textbf{LoD}};
\caption{Linear regression curve for caffeine using HPLC analysis, Limit of detection (LoD) also shown}







\begin{tikzpicture}[trim left]
    legend style={font=\footnotesize}}
scaled y ticks = false,
ylabel={Area$\times 10^{3}$},
legend cell align=left,
legend pos=north west,
xmin=0, ymin=0,
%ignore zero=y
\addplot[only marks] table[x=X,y=Y]{
    X Y
    0   8.046
    5   302.329
    10  606.470
    20  1122.1465
    30  1666.8665
\addlegendentry{data points}
\addplot[no marks] table[y={create col/linear regression={y=Y}}] % compute a linear regression from the
%input table
    X Y
    0   8.046
    5   302.329
    10  606.470
    20  1122.1465
    30  1666.8665
    $\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfplotstableregressiona} \cdot x
    \pgfmathprintnumber[print sign]{\pgfplotstableregressionb}$ lin. regression} 
    \addplot[no marks, dashed] table[x=X,y=Y]{
    X Y
    1.390942009 162.4025826
    5 360.5841458
    10 635.1454906
    20 1184.26818
    30 1733.39087
\addlegendentry{upper and lower CI}
\addplot[only marks, mark=triangle, mark size=4] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    10.40635194 598.7485
\addlegendentry{Unknown A}
\addplot[only marks, mark=diamond, mark size=4] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    13.1795209 751.0295
\addlegendentry{Unknown B}
\addplot[no marks, dashed] table[x=X,y=Y]{
    X Y
    1.390942009 44.98118766
    5 243.1627508
    10 517.7240956
    20 1066.846785
    30 1615.969475
\addplot[no marks, dotted, very thick] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    0 103.6918851
    1.390942009 103.6918851
\addplot[no marks, dotted, very thick] table[x=X,y=Y]{ 
    X Y
    1.390942009 103.6918851
    1.390942009 1.390942009
\node at (axis cs:1.8,60) [anchor=west] {\textbf{LoD}};

