Tikzpicture 和 \matrix 的问题

Tikzpicture 和 \matrix 的问题

我需要在每个节点中为 tikzpicture 写入两个单词。问题是这些单词无法正确显示 [参见下面的代码]:我想将单个节点内的两个单词(例如“First Word”)写为两个不同的单词,但 latex 将单个节点内的两个单词写为一个单词。我该如何解决这个问题?


         \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=2em,
      column sep=2em]
       { First Word   &  & Second Word  \\
       & Third  Word   &  \\ };
      \path[->,font=\large, ultra thick]
       (m-1-1) edge node[auto] {$ a $} (m-1-3); 
      \path[->,font=\large, ultra thick]
       (m-1-1) edge node[auto] {$ b $} (m-2-2);
       \path[->,font=\large, ultra thick]
        (m-2-2) edge node[auto] {$ c $} (m-1-3);



您已将矩阵设为matrix of math nodes,这意味着所有节点都设置为数学模式,其中空格被忽略,文本设置为数学斜体。将其更改为matrix of nodes


 \matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, row sep=2em,
  column sep=2em]
   { First Word   &  & Second Word  \\
   & Third  Word   &  \\ };
  \path[->,font=\large, ultra thick]
   (m-1-1) edge node[auto] {$ a $} (m-1-3); 
  \path[->,font=\large, ultra thick]
   (m-1-1) edge node[auto] {$ b $} (m-2-2);
   \path[->,font=\large, ultra thick]
(m-2-2) edge node[auto] {$ c $} (m-1-3);



% arara: pdflatex

\usepackage{float} % for your [H] option to figure (I guess)
\usepackage{caption} % for better spacing if captions are used above the figures. And it deletes the colon if no caption is given.

        ,cells={nodes={align=center}} % this line switches from math to text for the nodes. You can align left or right as well if more lines of text exist
        ,every arrow/.append style={->,ultra thick}
        ,every label/.append style={font=\large}
        ,row sep=6ex
    First Word \arrow{rr}{a} \arrow{dr}[swap]{b} & & Second Word \\
    & Third Word \arrow{ur}[swap]{c} & % I swapped two labels in order to set them to the outer side


