

我需要堆叠三个侧向表格。我的代码以某种方式让 Latex 删除标题。它报告 floatrow 错误,标题丢失。有没有办法将所有三个表格对齐到页面底部?提前致谢!


\documentclass[A4, 11pt]{report}


\caption{Sample A, B and C calculations}

\textbf{Compound} & \textbf{Sample A (area)} & \textbf{\% A} & \textbf{Sample B (area)} & \textbf{\% B} & \textbf{Sample C (area)} & \textbf{\% C} \\[0.5ex]
Benzene & 97166 & 29.796 & 118538 & 28.804 & 73071 & 34.719 \\
Chlorobenzene & 79837 & 24.482 & 101977 & 24.780 & 52619 & 25.002 \\
1,2-dichlorobenzene & 86195 & 26.432 & 111483 & 27.090 & 50634 & 24.058 \\
Trichlorobenzene & 62905 & 19.290 & 79534 & 19.326 & 34138 & 16.221 \\

\caption{Unknown 1, 2 and 3 calculations}
\textbf{Compound} & \textbf{Unk 1 area} & \textbf{Unk 1 area \% } & \textbf{Unk 2 area} & \textbf{Unk 2 area \% } & \textbf{Unk 3 area} & \textbf{Unk 3 area \% } \\[0.5ex]
Benzene & 37439 & 13.666 & 44157 & 13.076 & 46672 & 12.987 \\
Chlorobenzene & 68335 & 24.943 & 83331 & 24.676 & 88155 & 24.531 \\
1,2-dichlorobenzene & 80497 & 29.382 & 100331 & 29.710 & 107083 & 29.798 \\
Trichlorobenzene & 87692 & 32.009 & 109881 & 32.538 & 117455 & 32.684 \\

\caption{Unknown 1, 2 and 3 calculations}
\textbf{Compound} & \textbf{Unk 1 Corr. Area} & \textbf{Unk 1 \% Comp.} & \textbf{Unk 2 Corr. Area} & \textbf{Unk 2 \% Comp.} & \textbf{Unk 3 Corr. Area} & \textbf{Unk 3 \% Comp.} \\[0.5ex]
Benzene & 29957 & 10.118 & 35333 & 9.654 & 37345 & 9.583 \\
Chlorobenzene & 65929 & 22.268 & 80397 & 21.968 & 85051 & 21.824 \\
1,2-dichlorobenzene & 87726 & 29.630 & 109342 & 29.876 & 116700 & 29.945 \\
Trichlorobenzene & 112455 & 37.983 & 140910 & 38.502 & 150623 & 38.649 \\






\documentclass[A4, 11pt]{report}


\caption{Sample A, B and C calculations}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l 
     S[table-format=5.0] C{1.55cm} 
     S[table-format=6.0] C{1.55cm}
     S[table-format=5.0] C{1.55cm} @{}} 
\textbf{Compound} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.85cm}}{\textbf{Sample~A (area)}} & \textbf{\% A} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.85cm}}{\textbf{Sample~B (area)}} & \textbf{\% B} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.85cm}}{\textbf{Sample~C (area)}} & \textbf{\% C} \\ \addlinespace
Benzene & 97166 & 29.796 & 118538 & 28.804 & 73071 & 34.719 \\
Chlorobenzene & 79837 & 24.482 & 101977 & 24.780 & 52619 & 25.002 \\
1,2-dichlorobenzene & 86195 & 26.432 & 111483 & 27.090 & 50634 & 24.058 \\
Trichlorobenzene & 62905 & 19.290 & 79534 & 19.326 & 34138 & 16.221 \\

\caption{Unknown 1, 2 and 3 calculations}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l 
            S[table-format=5.0] C{1.7cm}
       *{2}{S[table-format=6.0] C{1.7cm}} @{}}
\textbf{Compound} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.7cm}}{\textbf{Unk~1 area}} & \textbf{Unk~1 area \% } & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.7cm}}{\textbf{Unk~2 area}} & \textbf{Unk~2 area \% } & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.7cm}}{\textbf{Unk~3 area}} & \textbf{Unk~3 area \% } \\ \addlinespace
Benzene & 37439 & 13.666 & 44157 & 13.076 & 46672 & 12.987 \\
Chlorobenzene & 68335 & 24.943 & 83331 & 24.676 & 88155 & 24.531 \\
1,2-dichlorobenzene & 80497 & 29.382 & 100331 & 29.710 & 107083 & 29.798 \\
Trichlorobenzene & 87692 & 32.009 & 109881 & 32.538 & 117455 & 32.684 \\

\caption{Unknown 1, 2 and 3 calculations}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l 
               *{3}{S[table-format=6.0]S[table-format=2.3]} @{}}
\textbf{Compound} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.6cm}}{\textbf{Unk~1 Corr.\ Area}} & \multicolumn{1}{C{1.8cm}}{\textbf{Unk~1 \%~Comp.}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.6cm}}{\textbf{Unk~2 Corr.\ Area}} & \multicolumn{1}{C{1.8cm}}{\textbf{Unk~2 \%~Comp.}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{C{1.6cm}}{\textbf{Unk~3 Corr.\ Area}} & \multicolumn{1}{C{1.8cm}}{\textbf{Unk~3 \%~Comp.}} \\ \addlinespace
Benzene & 29957 & 10.118 & 35333 & 9.654 & 37345 & 9.583 \\
Chlorobenzene & 65929 & 22.268 & 80397 & 21.968 & 85051 & 21.824 \\
1,2-dichlorobenzene & 87726 & 29.630 & 109342 & 29.876 & 116700 & 29.945 \\
Trichlorobenzene & 112455 & 37.983 & 140910 & 38.502 & 150623 & 38.649 \\



  • \newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}}


  • \begin{tabular}{@{} l *{3}{S[table-format=6.0]S[table-format=2.3]} @{}}

    由于数字列中的条目是数字,因此在我看来,将它们与小数点(当前或隐含的)对齐是个好主意。包S提供的列类型siunitx执行此类格式化。该选项table-format=6.0通知 LaTeX 在小数点(隐含的)标记前留出足够的空间容纳六位数字,在标记后留出零位数字。

    该结构*{3}{...}告知 LaTeX 应有三个实例,其中包含的内容...。再举一个例子,写作



    这些@{}指令告诉 LaTeX不是在第一列的左侧或最后一列的右侧提供任何空格。
