如何将 \addtocontents 条目从目录链接到实际章节/部分

如何将 \addtocontents 条目从目录链接到实际章节/部分






%======== USING REGULAR ENTRIES ========
\chapter{Chapter 1} % properly linked of course
{\LARGE This is chapter 1}

\section{Section 1-1} % well linked as well
{\LARGE This is chapter 1 section 1}

%======== USING \addcontentsline ========
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Chapter 2} % works fine
{\LARGE This is chapter 2}

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Section 2-1} % link works
{\LARGE This is chapter 2 section 1}

%======== USING \addtocontents ========
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter} % this link does not work
{\protect\numberline{3}Chapter 3}{\thepage}{}}
{\LARGE This is chapter 3}

\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\protect\numberline{3-1}Section 3-1}{\thepage}{section*.2.4}} % ... neither does this
{\LARGE This is chapter 3 section 1}






第一步是用 或 替换\phantomsection\refstepcounter{chapter}然后\refstepcounter{section},您将获得实际的章节和节号来链接,而不是chapter*.1等。




%======== USING REGULAR ENTRIES ========
\chapter{Chapter 1} % properly linked of course
{\LARGE This is chapter 1}

\section{Section 1-1} % well linked as well
{\LARGE This is chapter 1 section 1}

%======== USING \addcontentsline ========
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Chapter 2} % works fine
{\LARGE This is chapter 2}

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Section 2-1} % link works
{\LARGE This is chapter 2 section 1}

%======== USING \addtocontents ========
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}% this link does not work
{\protect\numberline{\thechapter}Chapter \thechapter}{}{chapter.\thechapter}}
{\LARGE This is chapter 3}

\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\protect\numberline{\thechapter-\arabic{section}}Section -1}{}{section.\thesection}}% ... neither does this
{\LARGE This is chapter 3 section 1}






%======== USING REGULAR ENTRIES ========
\chapter{Chapter 1} % properly linked of course
{\LARGE This is chapter 1}

\section{Section 1-1} % well linked as well
{\LARGE This is chapter 1 section 1}

%======== USING \addcontentsline ========
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Chapter 2} % works fine
{\LARGE This is chapter 2}

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Section 2-1} % link works
{\LARGE This is chapter 2 section 1}

%======== USING \addtocontents ========

{\LARGE This is chapter 3}

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{3-1}Section 3-1}
{\LARGE This is chapter 3 section 1}





  \typeout{Chapter is \thechapter~#3}
      % omit the page number
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\numberline{\thechapter} #2}{}{chapter.\theHchapter}}
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\numberline{\thechapter} #2}{\thepage}{chapter.\theHchapter}}
      % omit the page number
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\numberline{\thechapter} #3}{}{chapter.\theHchapter}}
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\numberline{\thechapter} #3}{\thepage}{chapter.\theHchapter}}
  } %
  {\huge \textbf{#3}}%

      % omit the page number
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\numberline{\thesection} #2}{}{section.\theHsection}}
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\numberline{\thesection} #2}{\thepage}{section.\theHsection}}
      % omit the page number
      \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\numberline{\thesection} #3}{}{section.\theHsection}}
        \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\numberline{\thesection} #3}{\thepage}{section.\theHsection}}
{\LARGE \textbf{#3}}%




%======== USING REGULAR ENTRIES ========
\chapter{Chapter 1} % properly linked of course
\section{Section 1-1} % well linked as well

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Section 2-1} % link works
{\LARGE This is chapter 2 section 1}

%======== USING \addtocontents ========

\chapternohead[This goes to toc]{Chapter}

{\LARGE This is chapter 3}

\sectionnohead{Section 3-1}
{\LARGE This is chapter 3 section 1}


一些改进:有第 4 个参数,用于指定章节号





  \typeout{Chapter is \thechapter~#3}
      % omit the page number
      % omit the page number
  } %
  {\huge \textbf{#3}}%

      % omit the page number
      % omit the page number
    {\LARGE \textbf{#3}}%




%======== USING REGULAR ENTRIES ========
\chapter{Chapter 1} % properly linked of course
\section{Section 1-1} % well linked as well

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Section 2-1} % link works
{\LARGE This is chapter 2 section 1}

%======== USING \addtocontents ========

\chapternohead[This goes to toc]{Chapter}<\textsl{\huge \textcolor{blue}{\thechapter}}>

{\LARGE This is chapter 3}

\sectionnohead*[Toc entry for section 3-1]{Section 3-1}<\textcolor{violet}{\thechapter-1}>
{\LARGE This is chapter 3 section 1}


