
如何在 LaTeX 中绘制工程尺寸图?例如,
我目前的做法是在 MS Visio 中绘制图表,保存为 pdf 文件,然后将其嵌入到 LaTeX 中。(在 Visio 中输入数学公式并不容易。)
\path (0,0) coordinate (A)
(4,0) coordinate (B)
(12,0) coordinate (C)
(16,0) coordinate (D)
(0,2) coordinate (E)
(4,2) coordinate (F)
(16,2) coordinate (G);
\draw[gray!10,fill=yellow] (E) rectangle (B) node[black] at ($(E)!.5!(B)$){bus1};
\draw[gray!10,fill=red] (F) rectangle (C) node[black] at ($(F)!.5!(C)$){overlapping};
\draw[gray!10,fill=green] (C) rectangle (G) node[black] at ($(C)!.5!(G)$){bus2};
\dimline [color=blue,
line style={thick},
extension start style={blue,thin},
extension end style={blue,thin}
\dimline [color=blue,
line style={thick},
extension start style={blue,thin},
extension end style={blue,thin},
extension start length=-1cm,
extension end length=-1cm
\dimline [color=blue,
line style={thick},
extension start style={blue,thin},
extension end style={blue,thin},
extension start length=-1cm,
extension end length=-1cm
\dimline [color=blue,
line style={thick},
extension start style={blue,thin},
extension end style={blue,thin},
extension start length=-1cm,
extension end length=-1cm
使用 Tarass 的出色解决方案TikZ 中的技术图纸尺寸标注将会给你:
Cote node/.style={%
inner sep=1.5pt,
outer sep=2pt
Cote arrow/.style={%
very thin
s % cotation avec les flèches à l'extérieur
D<>{1.5pt} % offset des traits
O{.75cm} % offset de cotation
m % premier point
m % second point
m % étiquette
D<>{o} % () coordonnées -> angle
% h -> horizontal,
% v -> vertical
% o or what ever -> oblique
O{} % parametre du tikzset
\coordinate (@1) at #4 ;
\coordinate (@2) at #5 ;
\if #7v % Cotation verticale
\coordinate (@0) at ($($#4!.5!#5$) + (#3,0)$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at (@0|-@1) ;
\coordinate (@5) at (@0|-@2) ;
\if #7h % Cotation horizontale
\coordinate (@0) at ($($#4!.5!#5$) + (0,#3)$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at (@0-|@1) ;
\coordinate (@5) at (@0-|@2) ;
\else % cotation encoche
\coordinate (@5) at ($#7!#3!#5$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at ($#7!#3!#4$) ;
\else % cotation oblique
\coordinate (@5) at ($#5!#3!90:#4$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at ($#4!#3!-90:#5$) ;
\draw[very thin,shorten >= #2,shorten <= -2*#2] (@4) -- #4 ;
\draw[very thin,shorten >= #2,shorten <= -2*#2] (@5) -- #5 ;
\IfBooleanTF #1 {% avec étoile
\draw[Cote arrow,-] (@4) -- (@5) node[Cote node] {#6\strut};
\draw[Cote arrow,<-] (@4) -- ($(@4)!-6pt!(@5)$) ;
\draw[Cote arrow,<-] (@5) -- ($(@5)!-6pt!(@4)$) ;
}{% sans étoile
\draw[Cote arrow] (@5) to[bend right] node[Cote node] {#6\strut} (@4) ;
\draw[Cote arrow] (@4) -- (@5) node[Cote node] {#6\strut};
\path (0,0) coordinate (A)
(4,0) coordinate (B)
(12,0) coordinate (C)
(16,0) coordinate (D)
(0,2) coordinate (E)
(4,2) coordinate (F)
(16,2) coordinate (G);
\draw[gray!10,fill=yellow] (E) rectangle (B) node[black] at ($(E)!.5!(B)$){bus1};
\draw[gray!10,fill=red] (F) rectangle (C) node[black] at ($(F)!.5!(C)$){overlapping};
\draw[gray!10,fill=green] (C) rectangle (G) node[black] at ($(C)!.5!(G)$){bus2};
同样在普通的 Metapost 中,所有参数都在顶部......
c = 280;
t = 120;
h = 30;
path box[];
box1 = unitsquare xscaled 1/2(c-t) yscaled h;
box2 = unitsquare xscaled t yscaled h shifted point 1 of box1;
box3 = box1 shifted point 1 of box2;
fill box1 withcolor 0.8[red+green,white]; draw box1; label("bus1", center box1);
fill box2 withcolor 0.8[red,white]; draw box2; label("overlapping", center box2);
fill box3 withcolor 0.8[green,white]; draw box3; label("bus2", center box3);
path a[];
a1 = (point 0 of box1 -- point 1 of box1) shifted 12 down;
a2 = (point 0 of box2 -- point 1 of box2) shifted 12 down;
a3 = (point 0 of box3 -- point 1 of box3) shifted 12 down;
a4 = (point 3 of box1 -- point 2 of box3) shifted 12 up;
for i=1 upto 4:
drawdblarrow a[i];
draw (up--down) scaled 4 shifted point 0 of a[i];
draw (up--down) scaled 4 shifted point 1 of a[i];
label.bot(btex $(t_c-t_{12})/2$ etex, point 1/2 of a1);
label.bot(btex $t_{12}$ etex, point 1/2 of a2);
label.bot(btex $(t_c-t_{12})/2$ etex, point 1/2 of a3);
label.top(btex $t_c$ etex, point 1/2 of a4);
\begin{document} \sffamily
\path ($(#1)!#4!90:(#2)$)coordinate(a) ($(#2)!#4!-90:(#1)$)coordinate(b);
\draw[|<->|,shorten <=-.5\pgflinewidth,shorten >=-.5\pgflinewidth] (a)--node[fill=white,sloped]{\small#3}(b);}
\begin{tikzpicture}[blk/.style args={#1,#2,#3}{minimum height=#1,minimum width=#,fill=#3,outer sep=0pt}, >=latex']
\node(ov)[blk={1cm,4cm,red},anchor=west] at(b1.east) {overlapping};
\node(b2)[blk={1cm,3cm,green},anchor=west] at(ov.east) {bus2};
\Dline{b1.north west}{b2.north east}{$t_c$}{4mm}
\Dline{b1.south east}{b1.south west}{$(t_c-t_{12})/2$}{4mm}
\Dline{ov.south east}{ov.south west}{$t_{12}$}{4mm}
\Dline{b2.south east}{b2.south west}{$(t_c-t_{12})/2$}{4mm}
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, x11names]{standalone}
\psset{arrowinset=0.0, fillstyle=solid,}%
\fnode[framesize =2.4 1, fillcolor=Red1](1.2,0){b1}\fnode[framesize =3.2 1, fillcolor=Yellow1](4,0){ol}\fnode[framesize =2.4 1, fillcolor=Chartreuse4!80!](6.8,0){b2}%
\psset{arrows=<->, offset=1, linewidth=0.8pt, nodesep =0pt}%
\ncline{ry}{O}\naput{\color{SteelBlue3} $\mathsf{{(t_{\scriptscriptstyle C}-t_{\scriptscriptstyle 12})}/2} $}%
\ncline{yg}{ry}\naput{\color{SteelBlue3} $\mathsf{t_{\scriptscriptstyle 12}} $}%
\ncline{A}{yg}\naput{\color{SteelBlue3} $\mathsf{{(t_{\scriptscriptstyle C}-t_{\scriptscriptstyle 12})}/2} $}%
\ncline{O}{A}\naput{\color{SteelBlue3} $\mathsf{t_{\scriptscriptstyle C}} $}%