

通常,有许多书籍格式需要在 Latex 中复制,以便学习或设计下一个经典。在此视图中,考虑一本旧书的前几页 约翰·麦考尔 (John Mycall) 的标题页,1778 年 第 1 页,摘自 John Mycall,1778 年 第 2 页,摘自 John Mycall,1778 年


  1. 有哪些最佳、简单的方法来设置所呈现的标题页、首页和段落结构?
  2. 正如所呈现的,重现旧字体的有效过程是什么,可以通过简单的包装使用来使用?
  3. 布局尺寸、字体和段落的间距是否可以轻松更改?例如,假设书的宽度为 6 英寸,高度为 8 英寸,字体和段落间距也相应设置。


你可以得到一些看起来或多或少像图像的东西,如果你使用字体等,历史连字符。这是使用(商业)字体 SabonNext LT Pro 的尝试,fontspec并且XeLaTeX


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\setlength\droptitle {-30mm}
\textsc{of the}\\%
{\LARGE OF}\\[1.5ex]%
{\setstretch{1}\LARGE \addfontfeature{LetterSpace=2.0} Holden at {\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=20.0}IPSWICH} in the\\
County of Essex, who were\\
Deputed to take into\\
{\huge\itshape CONSTITUTION}\\
\textsc{and form of}\\[1.5ex]
{\huge GOVERNMENT}\\
\textsc{proposed by the}\\[1.5ex]
\textit{\LARGE CONVENTION} \\[1ex]
\textsc{of the STATE of}\\

\textsc{Printed and Sold by John Mycall, 1778}




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\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\centering\LARGE\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=15.0} \arraybackslash}X@{}}
\textsc{r e s u l t} \\
\textsc{\normalsize of the} \\
\itshape CONVENTION, \&c. \\

  In Convention of Delegates from the several towns of Lynn, Salem, Danvers, Wenham, Manchester, Glou\-cester, Ipswich, Newbury-Port, Salisbury, Methuen, Boxford \& Topfields, holden by adjourment at Ipswich, on the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand seven hundred \& seventy eight.}

  \large Peter Coffin Esq ; in the Chair.

\hskip-2em HE Constitution and form of Government framed by the Convention of this State, was read paragraph by paragraph, and after debate, the following passed

\begin{enumerate}[label = \arabic*., wide, labelsep=1.em

  \item That the present situation of this State renders it best, that the framing of a Constitution therefor, should be posponed ’till the public affairs are in a more peaceable and settled condition.

  \item That a bill of rights, clearly ascertaining and defining the rights of conscience, and that security of person and property, which every member in the State hath a right to expect from the supreme power thereof, ought to be settled and established, previous to the ratification of any constitution for the State.

  \item That the executive power in any State, ought not to have any share or voice in the legislative power in framing the laws, and therefore, that the second article of the Constitution is liable to exception.

  \item That any man who is chosen Governor, ought to be properly qualified in point of property—that the qualification therefor, mentioned in the third article of the Constitution, is not sufficient—nor is the same qualification directed to be ascertained on fixed principles, as it ought to be, on account of the fluctuation of the nominal value of money, and of property.

  \item That in every free Republican Government, where the legislative power is rested in an house or houses of representatives, all the members of the State ought to be equally represented.



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