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%--- Set commands
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%--- Fonts used: IM FELL DW Pica Font Family
%--- http://www.1001fonts.com/im-fell-dw-pica-font.html
%--- Beginning of the document
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\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\centering\LARGE\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=15.0}
\textsc{r e s u l t} \\
\textsc{\normalsize of the} \\
\itshape CONVENTION, \&c. \\
%--- Needs to be italicized and set to 12pt
In Convention of Delegates from the several towns of Lynn, Salem, Danvers, Wenham,
Manchester, Glou\-cester, Ipswich, Newbury-Port, Salisbury, Methuen, Boxford \& Topsfield,
holden by adjourment at Ipswich, on the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand seven
hundred \& seventy eight.}
%--- Needs to be bold, set to 12pt, left justified
\vspace{5mm} %added to make space
\large Peter Coffin Esq ; in the Chair.
%--- Needs to be set to 10pt after large first letter
\vspace{5mm} %added to make space
\lettrine[lines=4,slope=0.6em,findent=0.6em,nindent=0em]{T}{HE} Constitution and form of Government framed
by the Convention of this State, was read paragraph by paragraph, and after debate, the following
votes were passed.
- 使用列出的斜体字体将指示的段落斜体化,并设置该段落的字体大小
- 在一行中左对齐(Peter Coffin Esq 行)
- “随机”地在本地改变字体、大小、形状(通常针对文档的任何部分)?
手册第 6 页内容如下:
\setmainfont{texgyrepagella-regular.otf}[ BoldFont = texgyrepagella-bold.otf , ItalicFont = texgyrepagella-italic.otf , BoldItalicFont = texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf ]
% font features set according to the copies of the fonts I have
\setmainfont{IMFePIrm29P.ttf}[% fontspec complains about the features not being available for sc and trying to deactivate them makes it complain again about a lack of the deactivated-feature - pah! this thing is noisy!
ItalicFont = IMFePIit29P.ttf,
SmallCapsFont = IMFePIsc29P.ttf,
WordSpace = 1.2,
Ligatures = Rare,
Style = Historic,
This is 10pt upright.
\textit{This is 10pt italics.}
\textsc{This is 10pt small-caps.}
{\itshape\large This is 12pt italics.
\scshape This is 12pt small-caps.
\upshape This is 12pt upright.
This is 10pt upright.
{\itshape \kant[2]}
{\small\itshape \kant[3]}
{\large \kant[4]}
[如果字体是为系统安装的,不需要通过文件名调用,那么这一切都会变得更容易。事实上,我仍然觉得在 pdfLaTeX 中更容易!至少在那里,如果我想使用它,我确实有完全的控制权。]
% font features set according to the copies of the fonts I have
\setmainfont{IMFePIrm29P.ttf}[% fontspec complains about the features not being available for sc and trying to deactivate them makes it complain again about a lack of the deactivated-feature - pah! this thing is noisy!
ItalicFont = IMFePIit29P.ttf,
SmallCapsFont = IMFePIsc29P.ttf,
WordSpace = 1.2,
Ligatures = Rare,
Style = Historic,
\itshape \kant[1]
\scshape \kant[2]
\normalfont \kant[3]
Regular shape.
{\itshape Italics here.
More italics.
Yet more italics.}
Regular shape again.
% font features set according to the copies of the fonts I have
\setmainfont{IMFePIrm29P.ttf}[% fontspec complains about the features not being available for sc and trying to deactivate them makes it complain again about a lack of the deactivated-feature - pah! this thing is noisy!
ItalicFont = IMFePIit29P.ttf,
SmallCapsFont = IMFePIsc29P.ttf,
WordSpace = 1.2,
Ligatures = Rare,
Style = Historic,
\tiny As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\scriptsize As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\footnotesize As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\small As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\normalsize As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\large As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\Large As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\LARGE As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.
\Huge As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.