


%--- Packages required
\usepackage{fourier-orns, multido}
\usepackage{tabularx, booktabs}
\usepackage[textwidth=110mm, textheight=180mm, marginratio={4:6,5:7},nofoot, nomarginpar]{geometry}

%--- Set commands
\defaultfontfeatures{Numbers = {OldStyle,Proportional},Ligatures = Rare, Style = Historic, 
StylisticSet={1,5},WordSpace = 1.2}%

\renewpagestyle{plain} {%



%--- Fonts used: IM FELL DW Pica Font Family
%--- http://www.1001fonts.com/im-fell-dw-pica-font.html

%--- Beginning of the document

\newgeometry{textwidth=89mm, textheight =158mm, marginratio={4:6,5:7},nofoot}

\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\centering\LARGE\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=15.0} 
\textsc{r e s u l t} \\
\textsc{\normalsize of the} \\
\itshape CONVENTION, \&c. \\

%--- Needs to be italicized and set to 12pt 
  In Convention of Delegates from the several towns of Lynn, Salem, Danvers, Wenham, 
  Manchester, Glou\-cester, Ipswich, Newbury-Port, Salisbury, Methuen, Boxford \& Topsfield, 
  holden by adjourment at Ipswich, on the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand seven 
  hundred \& seventy eight.}

%--- Needs to be bold, set to 12pt, left justified  
\vspace{5mm} %added to make space 
\large Peter Coffin Esq ; in the Chair.

%--- Needs to be set to 10pt after large first letter 
\vspace{5mm} %added to make space 

\lettrine[lines=4,slope=0.6em,findent=0.6em,nindent=0em]{T}{HE} Constitution and form of Government framed 
by the Convention of this State, was read paragraph by paragraph, and after debate, the following
votes were passed.



  1. 使用列出的斜体字体将指示的段落斜体化,并设置该段落的字体大小
  2. 在一行中左对齐(Peter Coffin Esq 行)
  3. “随机”地在本地改变字体、大小、形状(通常针对文档的任何部分)?



fontspec手册第 6 页内容如下:


  BoldFont  = texgyrepagella-bold.otf , 
  ItalicFont  = texgyrepagella-italic.otf ,
  BoldItalicFont = texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf ]


% font features set according to the copies of the fonts I have
\setmainfont{IMFePIrm29P.ttf}[% fontspec complains about the features not being available for sc and trying to deactivate them makes it complain again about a lack of the deactivated-feature - pah! this thing is noisy!
  ItalicFont = IMFePIit29P.ttf,
  SmallCapsFont = IMFePIsc29P.ttf,
  WordSpace = 1.2,
  Ligatures = Rare,
  Style = Historic,

  This is 10pt upright.

  \textit{This is 10pt italics.}

  \textsc{This is 10pt small-caps.}

  {\itshape\large This is 12pt italics.

    \scshape This is 12pt small-caps.

    \upshape This is 12pt upright.

  This is 10pt upright.


  {\itshape \kant[2]}

  {\small\itshape \kant[3]}

  {\large \kant[4]}



IMFell DW Pica 直立、斜体和小型大写字母








[如果字体是为系统安装的,不需要通过文件名调用,那么这一切都会变得更容易。事实上,我仍然觉得在 pdfLaTeX 中更容易!至少在那里,如果我想使用它,我确实有完全的控制权。]



  • \itshape所有文字,直至另行通知都将以斜体显​​示。
  • \scshape除非另行通知,所有文字均将采用小写字母。
  • \normalfont返回默认字体形状(和粗细)。


% font features set according to the copies of the fonts I have
\setmainfont{IMFePIrm29P.ttf}[% fontspec complains about the features not being available for sc and trying to deactivate them makes it complain again about a lack of the deactivated-feature - pah! this thing is noisy!
  ItalicFont = IMFePIit29P.ttf,
  SmallCapsFont = IMFePIsc29P.ttf,
  WordSpace = 1.2,
  Ligatures = Rare,
  Style = Historic,

   \itshape \kant[1]

   \scshape \kant[2]

   \normalfont \kant[3]




Regular shape.

{\itshape Italics here.

More italics.

Yet more italics.}

Regular shape again.


% font features set according to the copies of the fonts I have
\setmainfont{IMFePIrm29P.ttf}[% fontspec complains about the features not being available for sc and trying to deactivate them makes it complain again about a lack of the deactivated-feature - pah! this thing is noisy!
  ItalicFont = IMFePIit29P.ttf,
  SmallCapsFont = IMFePIsc29P.ttf,
  WordSpace = 1.2,
  Ligatures = Rare,
  Style = Historic,

   \tiny As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \scriptsize As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \footnotesize As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \small As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \normalsize As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \large As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \Large As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \LARGE As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.

   \Huge As is own in the writings of Aristotle, the things in themselves (and it remains a mystery why this is the case) are a representation of time.



