

我想写一份 Latex 文档供同行评审发表。我在以下网址找到了一个模板http://msp.org/gt/macros/gtpartdoc.pdf

但是当我将其粘贴到 Latex 中时,我收到错误代码:

! Latex Error : File 'gtpart.cls' not found.

以下是我粘贴到 Latex 中的内容:


%%% Start of metadata
\title[An airy sample]{An airy sample\\for demonstration purposes}
%  First author
\author[J\,R Smith]{James R Smith}
\givenname{James R}
\address{Department of Mathematics\\
The University of the Air\\\newline
27 However Road\\Coalsport CL65 7UL\\UK}
\email{[email protected]}
%  Second author
\author[W von Jones]{William von Jones}
\surname{von Jones}
\address{Department of Mathematics\\
The University of Fire\\\newline
59 Wherever Road\\Dinkington DK25 6AR\\UK}
\email{[email protected]}
%  Add a similar block for other authors
\keyword{five elements}
Mathematical Sciences Publishers: documentation
Using gtpart.cls: LATEX instructions for authors 3
%  Leave the following items blank
%%% End of metadata
%%% Start of user-defined macros %%%
\newtheorem*{zlem}{Zorn’s Lemma}
Mathematical Sciences Publishers: documentation
4 Colin Rourke
%%% End of user-defined macros %%%
This is a short abstract inserted just for demonstration purposes.
You can use mathematical statements eg $\Homo(G)\iso\Gamma$ but
NOT environments inside the abstract.  If you really must use an
environment (eg an itemized list) then enclose it in braces.
This is a short abstract inserted just for demonstration purposes.
You can use mathematical statements eg Homo(G) is isomorphic to
Gamma but NOT environments inside the abstract.  If you really
must use an environment (eg an itemized list) then enclose it in
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   Start of main body of article



在 TeX Live 2015 中,它gtpart.cls位于一个不太有用的位置。 (因此我认为这应该适用于 MacTeX 用户。)如果开发人员想要将它包含在 TeX Live 中,就应该引起他们的注意。

.cls可以从以下位置获取类 ( ) 文件加拿大运输安全局或者,从你的工作目录中,你可以执行类似

cp $(locate gtpart.cls) . 


获得该文件后,运行上面的示例文件(我将其包含在此处,但删除了一些行,我认为这是由于从问题中链接的 PDF 中粗心地剪切粘贴而造成的。)


%%% Start of metadata
\title[An airy sample]{An airy sample\\for demonstration purposes}
%  First author
\author[J\,R Smith]{James R Smith}
\givenname{James R}
\address{Department of Mathematics\\
The University of the Air\\\newline
27 However Road\\Coalsport CL65 7UL\\UK}
\email{[email protected]}
%  Second author
\author[W von Jones]{William von Jones}
\surname{von Jones}
\address{Department of Mathematics\\
The University of Fire\\\newline
59 Wherever Road\\Dinkington DK25 6AR\\UK}
\email{[email protected]}
%  Add a similar block for other authors
\keyword{five elements}

%  Leave the following items blank
%%% End of metadata
%%% Start of user-defined macros %%%
\newtheorem*{zlem}{Zorn’s Lemma}

%%% End of user-defined macros %%%
This is a short abstract inserted just for demonstration purposes.
% You can use mathematical statements eg $\Homo(G)\iso\Gamma$ but <-- this line seems wrong, so I changed it. It raises an error if left in
 You can use mathematical statements eg $\Homo(G) is isomorphic to \Gamma$ but
NOT environments inside the abstract.  If you really must use an
environment (eg an itemized list) then enclose it in braces.
This is a short abstract inserted just for demonstration purposes.
You can use mathematical statements eg Homo(G) is isomorphic to
Gamma but NOT environments inside the abstract.  If you really
must use an environment (eg an itemized list) then enclose it in

