

我正在用 Memoir 写一篇很长的文档,一开始,我想在标题页(正面,右侧)之前有一个背面(左侧)“版权页”。目前,我只需在\cleartoverso文档开头插入一个命令即可实现此目的:


% Use very different margins to accentuate recto and verso differences 

\setulmarginsandblock{2.54 cm}{*}{*}

\posttitle{\par\end{flushright}\vskip 0.5em}

\preauthor{\begin{flushleft}\LARGE \lineskip 0.5em}

\title{A Big Title In A Customised \\maketitle Command }
\author{ A. An Author, A. N. Other University. }

\textbf{I am a copyright notice.}\\
 I am probably very long and boring. I additionally am liable to contain lots of pointless notices about mechanical book retrieval systems that don't really exist any more more. The main point of this block of text is to show you on which side the margins are!\\

\copyright{} 2015 A. An Author. Licensed under the GPL v. 3.14159.


% Stuff goes here...



有没有更好的方法可以做到这一点,但不用 \cleartoverso?Memoir 是否有一个内部计数器,我可以操纵它来使文档的第一页为反面而不是正面?
