在 Beamer 框架中定位 TikZ 图片

在 Beamer 框架中定位 TikZ 图片



\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tables


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usepackage{varwidth}% http://ctan.org/pkg/varwidth
\usepackage{xparse}%  For \NewDocumentCommand
\usepackage{calc}%    For the \widthof macro
\newcommand{\Text}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
    Sed accumsan nulla ac ipsum elementum interdum. }
\newcommand{\mytikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[baseline] (#1) {};}

\NewDocumentCommand{\DrawBox}{s O{}}{%
    \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at ($(left |- right)+(\linewidth-\labelsep-\labelwidth,0.0)$);
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at (right.east);
      ($(left)+(-0.2em,0.9em)$) rectangle

\NewDocumentCommand{\DrawBoxWide}{s O{}}{%
    \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at ($(left |- right)+(\linewidth-\labelsep-\labelwidth,0.0)$);
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at (right.east);
      ($(left)+(-\labelwidth,0.9em)$) rectangle


\title[Lecture 2: Visualization and Programming]{Introduction to programming in MATLAB} % The short 
\date{} % Date, can be changed to a custom date
\subtitle{Lecture 2: Visualization and Programming}

% For every picture that defines or uses external nodes, you'll have to
% apply the 'remember picture' style. To avoid some typing, we'll apply
% the style to all pictures.
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
\tikzstyle{na} = [baseline=-.5ex]

\begin{frame}{Surface Plots}

\item It is more common to visualize surfaces in 3D
\item Example:
&f(x,y)=sin(x)cos(y), \\
&x\in [-\pi , \pi];  y \in[-\pi ,\pi ]

\item \textcolor{orange}{\textbf{surf}} puts vertices at specified points in space x,y,z, and connects all the vertices to make a surface

\item The vertices can be denoted by matrices X\tikz[na] \coordinate (s-mat); ,Y\tikz[na] \coordinate (s-gray);,Z
\item How can we make these matrices
\item loop (DUMB)
\item built-in function: \textcolor{orange}{\textbf{meshgrid}}


\tikzstyle{background grid}=[draw, black!50,step=.5cm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[show background grid]

\node [inner sep=0pt] (X)  at (7,.50) {X};%\includegraphics[width=2cm]{X}
\node [inner sep=0pt](Y)  at (9,1){Y};%\includegraphics[width=2cm]{Y}

            % show origin
            \fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
            % define destination coordinates
            \path (X) coordinate (mat)
                  (Y) coordinate (gray);

        \path[->,black,thick] (s-mat) edge (mat);
        \path[->,black,thick] (s-gray) edge  (gray);



示例图片 以上是我想要的结果。下面是我的实际输出(根据 Sigur 的建议)。 在此处输入图片描述


我使用了 2 个\parboxes 并排插入。


\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tables


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usepackage{varwidth}% http://ctan.org/pkg/varwidth
\usepackage{xparse}%  For \NewDocumentCommand
\usepackage{calc}%    For the \widthof macro
\newcommand{\Text}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
    Sed accumsan nulla ac ipsum elementum interdum. }
\newcommand{\mytikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[baseline] (#1) {};}

\NewDocumentCommand{\DrawBox}{s O{}}{%
    \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at ($(left |- right)+(\linewidth-\labelsep-\labelwidth,0.0)$);
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at (right.east);
      ($(left)+(-0.2em,0.9em)$) rectangle

\NewDocumentCommand{\DrawBoxWide}{s O{}}{%
    \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at ($(left |- right)+(\linewidth-\labelsep-\labelwidth,0.0)$);
        \coordinate (RightPoint) at (right.east);
      ($(left)+(-\labelwidth,0.9em)$) rectangle


\title[Lecture 2: Visualization and Programming]{Introduction to programming in MATLAB} % The short 
\date{} % Date, can be changed to a custom date
\subtitle{Lecture 2: Visualization and Programming}

% For every picture that defines or uses external nodes, you'll have to
% apply the 'remember picture' style. To avoid some typing, we'll apply
% the style to all pictures.
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
\tikzstyle{na} = [baseline=-.5ex]

\begin{frame}{Surface Plots}

\item It is more common to visualize surfaces in 3D
\item Example:
&f(x,y)=sin(x)cos(y), \\
&x\in [-\pi , \pi];  y \in[-\pi ,\pi ]

\item \textcolor{orange}{\textbf{surf}} puts vertices at specified points in space x,y,z, and connects all the vertices to make a surface

\item The vertices can be denoted by matrices X\tikz \coordinate (s-mat); , Y\tikz[na] \coordinate (s-gray);, Z
\item How can we make these matrices\\
\parbox{.48\linewidth}{ %% <-----------------HERE
\item loop (DUMB)
\item built-in function: \textcolor{orange}{\textbf{meshgrid}} 
\parbox{.50\linewidth}{\hfill \tikzstyle{background grid}=[draw, black!50,step=.5cm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[show background grid]
\node[inner sep=0pt] (X)  at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image-a}};
\node [inner sep=0pt](Y)  at (3,0){\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image-b}};

            % show origin
            %\fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
            % define destination coordinates
            \path (X) coordinate (mat)
                  (Y) coordinate (gray);

        \path[->,black,thick] (s-mat.south) edge (mat.north);
        \path[->,black,thick] (s-gray) edge  (gray);



