请帮我调整我展示的 groupplot 中第二个图的 ytick 密度。我尝试按照另一个线程的建议增加最大空间,但它只适用于第一个图,而不适用于第二个图。我尝试在不同区域定位,即在 addplot 之后,但这也没有用。感谢您的时间。
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = .72, transform shape,trim left]
group style={
horizontal sep=0pt,
scale only axis,
xmin=385, xmax=565,
xtick pos=left,
ytick pos=left,
no marks,
max space between ticks=50pt
\nextgroupplot[title=\textbf{(a)} $50:25$ (CoPor:\Lig{1}),max space between ticks=50pt]
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=30] {ST051 5025 Me-IMD SG.csv};
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=600] {ST051 5025 Me-IMD SG.csv};
\nextgroupplot[title=\textbf{(b)} $50:25$ (CoPor:Buffer),ylabel ={}]
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=30] {ST051 5025 blank SG.csv};
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=600] {ST051 5025 blank SG.csv};
\caption{Abs. spectra of $50:25$ CoPor:\Lig{1} and CoPor:Buffer (served as a blank) after 30 \si{\minute} and 600 \si{\minute} showing gradual thermodynamic change of complex. Buffer was 100 \si{\milli\molar} \ce{NaH2PO4}.}