在 tikzpicture 上排版标题(版本 2)

在 tikzpicture 上排版标题(版本 2)






%A hexagon is drawn which is symmetric across the x-axis.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (O) at (-5,0);

\path[name path=x-axis] (A) -- (O);
\path[name path=horizontal_line_at_-1] (-5,-1) -- (0,-1);
\path[name path=horizontal_line_at_1] (-5,1) -- (0,1);

\coordinate (B) at ($(A) + (-135:2.5)$);
\draw (A) -- (B);

\coordinate (C') at ($(B) + (165:3)$);
\path[name path=extension_of_line_segment_BC] (B) -- (C');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=extension_of_line_segment_BC and horizontal_line_at_-1, by={C}}];
\draw (B) -- (C);

\coordinate (D') at ($(C) + (45:2)$);
\path[name path=extension_of_line_segment_CD] (C) -- (D');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=extension_of_line_segment_CD and x-axis, by={D}}];
\draw (C) -- (D);

\coordinate (E') at ($(D) + (135:2)$);
\path[name path=extension_of_line_segment_DE] (D) -- (E');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=extension_of_line_segment_DE and horizontal_line_at_1, by={E}}];
\draw (D) -- (E);

\coordinate (F) at ($(E) + (15:3)$);
\draw (E) -- (F);
\draw (A) -- (F);

%Points P and Q in the hexagon are plotted. Line segment $\overline{PQ}$ is not contained in the
\coordinate (P) at (-4,0.75);
\draw[fill] (P) circle (1.5pt);
\coordinate (Q) at (-4,-0.75);
\draw[fill] (Q) circle (1.5pt);
\draw (P) -- (Q);
%Points P and Q are labeled.
\coordinate (label_for_P) at ($(P)!-3mm!-90:(Q)$);
\node at (label_for_P){$P$};
\coordinate (label_for_Q) at ($(Q)!-3mm!90:(P)$);
\node at (label_for_Q){$Q$};

%A title is typeset.
\node[align=center,font=\bfseries, yshift=2em] (title) at (current bounding box.north){A set that is \\ not convex};


%A hexagon is drawn which is symmetric across the x-axis.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (O) at (-5,0);

\path[name path=x-axis] (A) -- (O);
\path[name path=horizontal_line_at_-1] (-5,-1) -- (0,-1);
\path[name path=horizontal_line_at_1] (-5,1) -- (0,1);

\coordinate (B) at ($(A) + (-135:2.5)$);
\draw (A) -- (B);

\coordinate (C') at ($(B) + (165:3)$);
\path[name path=extension_of_line_segment_BC] (B) -- (C');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=extension_of_line_segment_BC and horizontal_line_at_-1, by={C}}];
\draw (B) -- (C);

\coordinate (D') at ($(C) + (45:2)$);
\path[name path=extension_of_line_segment_CD] (C) -- (D');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=extension_of_line_segment_CD and x-axis, by={D}}];
\draw[dashed] (C) -- (D);

\coordinate (E') at ($(D) + (135:2)$);
\path[name path=extension_of_line_segment_DE] (D) -- (E');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=extension_of_line_segment_DE and horizontal_line_at_1, by={E}}];
\draw[dashed] (D) -- (E);

\draw (C) -- (E);

\coordinate (F) at ($(E) + (15:3)$);
\draw (E) -- (F);
\draw (A) -- (F);

%A title is typeset.
\node[font=\bfseries, yshift=2em] (title) at (current bounding box.north){A convex set};





    node distance= 3mm and 5mm,
%%%% first shape
\coordinate (O)     at (-5,0);
\coordinate (A)     at (0,0);
\coordinate (B)     at ($(A)+(135:2.5)$);
\coordinate (C)     at ($(B)+(-165:3)$);
\coordinate (B')    at ($(A)+(-135:2.5)$);
\coordinate (C')    at ($(B')+(165:3)$);
\path[name path=x-axis] (O) -- (A);
\path[name path=c-b_line] (C') -- (B);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=c-b_line and x-axis,by={D}}];

\draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- (C') -- (B') -- cycle;

\coordinate (P) at (-4,0.75);
\coordinate (Q) at (-4,-0.75);
\draw[fill=black]   (P) circle (1.5pt) node[right] {$P$}  -- 
                    (Q) circle (1.5pt) node[right] {$Q$};
%% Title of second shape.
      above=of B -| {$(C |- A)!0.5!(A)$}] (title)   {A set that is \\
                                                     not convex};
%% Title of first shape.
      above=of B -| {$(C |- A)!0.5!(A)$}] (title)   {A set that is \\
                                                     not convex};
%%%% secod shape
\begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=6cm}]
\coordinate (O)     at (-5,0);
\coordinate (A)     at (0,0);

\coordinate (B)     at ($(A)+(135:2.5)$);
\coordinate (C)     at ($(B)+(-165:3)$);
\coordinate (B')    at ($(A)+(-135:2.5)$);
\coordinate (C')    at ($(B')+(165:3)$);
\path[name path=x-axis] (O) -- (A);
\path[name path=c-b_line] (B) -- (C');
\coordinate[name intersections={of=c-b_line and x-axis,by={D}}];

\draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (C') -- (B') -- cycle;
\draw[dashed] (C) -- (D) -- (C');
%% Title of second shape.
      above=of B -| {$(C |- A)!0.5!(A)$}] (title)  {A convex set};


编辑: 现在我明白了,如何使用...移动第二个形状xshift 。我相应地修正了我的 MWE。图片与之前相同。

编辑(2): 对 MWE 的一些解释。如果您说:,node distancefrom 库 将确定节点之间的公共距离。在这种情况下,不使用水平距离。possitionig\node[above right=of node name]


title/.style = {font=\bfseries, align=center}]


\node[title, above=of M |-C] {title};

如果是 和M之间的中点。中点可以按上图所示确定,但也可以简单地设置宽度AOM

\coordinate[right=25mm of A] (M);

正如所见,我大量删除了有问题的 MWE,因为其中大部分我都不理解,而且我觉得它们都是多余的。在撰写时,我遵循给出的图片。
