所以我下载了一个简历模板。它使用 XeLaTeX。我想更改字体,但我对自己该如何做失去了希望。我的操作系统是 Windows 7。这是使用原始字体 Fontin 的功能代码。我下载了它以使其工作,我想使用其他东西(以及使用重音符号的东西(我说法语)!)
\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} % Default font size and paper size
\usepackage{fontspec} % For loading fonts
\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin}
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip} % Formatting packages
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % Required for specifying custom colors
\usepackage{hyperref} % Required for adding links and customizing them
\definecolor{linkcolour}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} % Link color
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour,linkcolor=linkcolour} % Set link colors throughout the document
\usepackage{titlesec} % Used to customize the \section command
\titleformat{\section}{\Large\raggedright}{}{0em}{} % Text formatting of sections
\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{2pt}{2pt} % Spacing around sections
\pagestyle{empty} % Removes page numbering
\font\fb=''[cmr10]'' % Change the font of the \LaTeX command under the skills section
\par{\Huge TacTac \textsc{TicToc} - OncheOnche \bigskip\par}
\par{\Huge \hspace{8mm} huehuehue \bigskip\par}
\section{Données personnelles}
\textsc{Date de naissance:} & 01 brumeneige 3030 \\
\textsc{Adresse:} & Somewhere, sometimes \\
\textsc{Téléphone:} & +123456789\\
\textsc{Email:} & what about
I met a traveler from an antic land who said : Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert... \\
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin}
但我不知道我必须改变什么,编译器在哪里寻找字体...我看到了其他与我的问题相似的问题,但都使用了 Linux。我还看到字体名称中使用空格可能会出现一些问题(真的吗……?)...无论如何。有人有想法吗?
\usepackage{lipsum} % add nonsense text
\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} % Default font size and paper size
\usepackage{fontspec} % For loading fonts
\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont=Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin-Regular}
\usepackage{url,parskip} % Formatting packages
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % Required for specifying custom colors
\usepackage{titlesec} % Used to customize the \section command
\titleformat{\section}{\Large\raggedright}{}{0em}{} % Text formatting of sections
\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{2pt}{2pt} % Spacing around sections
\usepackage{hyperref} % Required for adding links and customizing them
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour,linkcolor=linkcolour} % Set link colors throughout the document
\definecolor{linkcolour}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} % Link color
\pagestyle{empty} % Removes page numbering
\par{\Huge TacTac \textsc{TicToc} - OncheOnche \bigskip\par}
\par{\Huge \hspace{8mm} huehuehue \bigskip\par}
\section{Données personnelles}
\textsc{Date de naissance:} & 01 brumeneige 3030 \\
\textsc{Adresse:} & Somewhere, sometimes \\
\textsc{Téléphone:} & +123456789\\
\textsc{Email:} & what about
I met a traveler from an antic land who said : Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert... \\
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------