我退回的论文中标注了几处格式更正。我对 LaTeX 相当不熟悉,只能使用它的基本功能。我在格式化章节和节标题时遇到了问题。我尝试阅读 titlesec 的软件包详细信息,但文档让我感到困惑。我似乎无法弄清楚结构或命令。下面是我找到的代码,并针对章节标题进行了修改,但我不确定。
{\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}\filcenter}{12pt}{\centering\uppercase}
revise format for first page of each chapter:
--use uniform double line spacing
--use 12 point font size for chapter number and chapter title
--use all caps for the word CHAPTER and for all words in chapter title
--do not use bold font
Revise all first level subheads:
--centered on a line by itself
--use 12 point font
--use headline style caps
--use underline
--no extra blank space above or below subhead (spacing should match
spacing between lines of text)
--do not use bold font
也许这足以让你开始。从你的描述中看不出这些部分是否已编号。如果没有,请\thesection\hspace*{ 1em}
{\MakeTextUppercase\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}
{\uline{\thesection\hspace*{ 1em}#1}}
\chapter{This is a chapter that has a really really really long title to show how it will wrap and give you double spacing.}
This is the text that follows the chapter.
\section{This is a section}
This is the text that follows the section.