


有没有办法暂时完全删除框架标题单身的指定帧的幻灯片? 完全删除,我的意思是标题的垂直空间也删除。




当我在具有覆盖规范的环境中深入时,其中一张幻灯片播放到一半时itemize,我想显示一个大的全屏图形。在此全屏部分,我希望框架标题不存在(就像使用 指定一样\frame{})。全屏图像之后,我希望标题和其余项目重新出现。






\begin{frame}[t]{Frame number 1}
        \item This is frame number 1. 
            Compare the vertical placement of this itemize environment 
            to that on the next frame.

        \item This is frame number 2. Note that this second frame has no vertical space for the title.

\begin{frame}[t]{\only<1,3>{Frame number 3}}
        \item <1-> I want the title showing on this slide, as it does.
        \item <2-> I want the title completely gone here, 
            including the vertical space it occupies. 
            (In my actual presentation, there will be a full-screen 
            figure in this position, 
            and the itemize environment will disappear.
        \item <3-> I want the title to come back


嗯,我想我应该再试 10 分钟。






\begin{frame}[t]{Frame number 1}
        \item This is frame number 1. 
            Compare the vertical placement of this itemize environment 
            to that on the next frame.

        \item This is frame number 2. Note that this second frame has no vertical space for the title.

    \only<1,3>{\frametitle{Frame number 3}}
        \item <1-> I want the title showing on this slide, as it does.
        \item <2-> I want the title completely gone here, 
            including the vertical space it occupies. 
            (In my actual presentation, there will be a full-screen 
            figure in this position, 
            and the itemize environment will disappear.
        \item <3-> I want the title to come back



  \only<2>{% On the second slide...
    \AddToShipoutPictureFG*{% Add a picture to the ForeGround for this slide only
      \AtPageCenter{% At the center of the page/slide
        \makebox[0pt]{% Horizontally center image on slide
          \raisebox{-.5\height}{% Vertically center image on slide







\begin{frame}[t]{Frame number 1}
    \item This is frame number 1. 
      Compare the vertical placement of this itemize environment 
      to that on the next frame.

    \item This is frame number 2. Note that this second frame has no vertical space for the title.

\begin{frame}[t]{\only<1,3>{Frame number 3}}
    \item <1-> I want the title showing on this slide, as it does.
    \item <2-> I want the title completely gone here, 
      including the vertical space it occupies. 
      (In my actual presentation, there will be a full-screen 
      figure in this position, 
      and the itemize environment will disappear.
    \item <3-> I want the title to come back

  \only<2>{% On the second slide...
    \AddToShipoutPictureFG*{% Add a picture to the ForeGround for this slide only
      \AtPageCenter{% At the center of the page/slide
        \makebox[0pt]{% Horizontally center image on slide
          \raisebox{-.5\height}{% Vertically center image on slide
