Paragraph 1: This is a text [footnote 1]. This is another [footnote 2].
Paragraph 2: I have seen in many books this usage of footnotes [footnote 1 for paragraph 2]. It is good. [footnote 2 for paragraph 2]
1 [1] footnote1
[2] footnote2
2 [1] footnote1 (for paragraph 2)
[2] footnote2 (for paragraph 2)
许多软件包出于自己的目的而使用 ,并且\relax
经常将其设置为 。
\everypar{\refstepcounter{paragraph}\setcounter{footnote}{0}}% must be renewed frequently
This is text.\footnote{first paragraph, first footnote}
This is more text.\footnote{first paragraph, second footnote}
This is a new paragraph.\footnote{second paragraph, first footnote}
This is more text.\footnote{second paragraph, second footnote}