两列脚注,Plain TeX

两列脚注,Plain TeX

我正在尝试在 Plain TeX 中将脚注设置为两列。这是我的最小工作示例:

%!TEX TS-program = pdftex

\output{\ifvoid\footins\else\vskip\skip\footins\rigidbalance\footins 2 7pt

\newcount\k \newdimen\h % registers used by the \rigidbalance routine
\def\rigidbalance#1#2 #3 {\setbox0=\box#1 \k=#2 \h=#3
\line{\splittopskip=\h \vbadness=10000 \hfilneg
\def\dosplits{\ifnum\k>0 \noalign{\hfil}\splitoff
\divide\dimen0 by\k \advance\dimen0 by\h
\vsplit0 to \dimen0 }


  \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
  \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM
  \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
  \count\footins 500
  \multiply\dimen\footins by 2
  \hsize .45\hsize


The entire set of footnotes could be set in two (or more) columns, with
a ragged right margin. For example, the ten footnotes
we have been considering might appear as follows:\footnote{$^1$}{First footnote.}
And some more.\footnote{$^2$}{Second footnote. (Every once in a while a long
  footnote might occur, just to make things difficult.)}
And some more.
And some more.\footnote{$^3$}{Third footnote.}$N,$\footnote{$^4$}{Fourth footnote.}
And some more.
And some more.\footnote{$^5$}{Fifth footnote. (This is incredibly boring, but it's just an
And some more.
And some more.
And some more.\footnote{$^7$}{And another.}$N,$\footnote{$^8$}{Ho
footnote.}$N,$\footnote{$^{10}$}{Oodles of them.}


大部分内容来自 TeXbook 的第 395–398 页,部分内容来自 EDMAC Critical Edition 宏。 \rigidbalance 是将脚注材料分成两列(或更多列)的宏。我修改了 Plain \vfootnote 宏,将脚注格式化为两列。


我认为问题与 \output 有关。我不太擅长使用 \output。如能得到任何帮助,我将不胜感激。


您不需要重新定义\output例程,只需重新定义宏即可。并且,如果是两列脚注,则\pagecontents必须将脚注重置为 500。\count\footins


  \dimen1=\dp255 \unvbox255 % open up \box255
    \rigidbalance\footins 2 7pt
  \csname ifr@ggedbottom\endcsname \kern-\dimen1 \vfil\fi}

