Latex(或 Lyx)中列之间的间隙太大

Latex(或 Lyx)中列之间的间隙太大


这是从我的 Lyx 文件中提取的 Latex 代码。我保留了几乎原始的代码,因为我的表格又长又宽(所以我必须使用longtablelandscape才能使其工作 - 如果有人知道其他方法,请告诉我):


我希望缩短间隙以使我的表格整齐地放入 A4 页面中。





%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline





\caption{\textbf{\noun{This is my tables. }}}
\multirow{2}{*}{\noun{Variables}} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\noun{Name of dependent variables}}\tabularnewline
 & (1)  & (2)  & (3)  & (4)  & (5)  & (6) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of incentives} &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.04)  &  &  & 0.07 (0.17)  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  & 0.00 (0.59)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.63)  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 2012 &  &  & 0.00 (0.11)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.20) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.92)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.60)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.45) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of private benefits} &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.28{*} (0.00)  & 0.24{*} (0.00)  & 0.23{*} (0.00)  & 0.29{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.34{*} (0.00)  & 0.35{*} (0.01)  & 0.37{*} (0.01)  & 0.36{*} (0.00)  & 0.40{*} (0.00)  & 0.41{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.11)  & 0.14{*} (0.01)  & 0.12{*} (0.03)  & 0.08 (0.18)  & 0.13{*} (0.03)  & 0.11{*} (0.04) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.14{*} (0.09)  & 0.15{*} (0.06)  & 0.15{*} (0.07)  & 0.13 (0.12)  & 0.15{*} (0.07)  & 0.14{*} (0.08) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.00 (0.46)  & 0.00 (0.65)  & 0.00 (0.81)  & 0.00 (0.84)  & -0.00 (0.86)  & -0.00 (0.78) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.01 (0.88)  & -0.10 (0.22)  & -0.12 (0.16)  & -0.01 (0.95)  & -0.12 (0.16)  & -0.13 (0.13) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.23{*} (0.07)  & 0.33{*} (0.04)  & 0.34{*} (0.04)  & 0.17 (0.15)  & 0.29{*} (0.06)  & 0.29{*} (0.06) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.03 (0.53)  & 0.04 (0.52)  & 0.02 (0.73)  & 0.02 (0.76)  & 0.00 (0.98)  & -0.01 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.29)  & 0.08 (0.39)  & 0.07 (0.45)  & 0.06 (0.49)  & 0.03 (0.71)  & 0.03 (0.74) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.18)  & 0.10 (0.19)  & 0.06 (0.38)  & 0.02 (0.75)  & 0.03 (0.68)  & 0.00 (0.96) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.14)  & 0.12{*} (0.05)  & 0.10{*} (0.10)  & 0.07 (0.28)  & 0.07 (0.23)  & 0.06 (0.30) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.06 (0.20)  & 0.07 (0.16)  & 0.06 (0.24)  & 0.04 (0.39)  & 0.04 (0.40)  & 0.04 (0.36) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.04 (0.43)  & 0.05 (0.31)  & 0.08 (0.14)  & 0.05 (0.36)  & 0.07 (0.17)  & 0.06 (0.33) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.06)  & 0.09{*} (0.08)  & 0.05 (0.37)  & 0.08 (0.14)  & 0.06 (0.25)  & 0.06 (0.21) \tabularnewline
\emph{Controlling variables: } &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.11{*} (0.00)  & 0.10{*} (0.00)  & 0.09{*} (0.01) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & -0.02{*} (0.00)  & -0.02{*} (0.02)  & -0.01{*} (0.03) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.02 (0.41)  & 0.02 (0.51)  & 0.01 (0.62) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.14{*} (0.01)  & 0.15{*} (0.01)  & 0.16{*} (0.01) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.04 (0.30)  & 0.03 (0.49)  & 0.03 (0.48) \tabularnewline
Constant  & 0.80{*} (0.00)  & 0.80{*} (0.00)  & 0.84{*} (0.00)  & 0.75{*} (0.00)  & 0.75{*} (0.00)  & 0.77{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
Pearson good-of-fitness & 232.03 (1.00) & 213.50 (1.00) & 208.73 (1.00) & 217.32 (1.00) & 200.96 (1.00) & 197.79 (1.00)\tabularnewline
Overdispersion parameter (alpha) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00)\tabularnewline
Observations  & 352  & 324  & 322  & 350  & 323  & 321 \tabularnewline
\multicolumn{7}{c}{ {*} Coefficient significant at least at the 10\% level of significance.



列间空白量由参数设置\tabcolsep。它在文档类中的默认值mwbk6pt。您可能会发现,将其值设置为 会3pt生成更符合您口味的表格。




%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline




\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt}  % default value is "6pt"
\caption{\textbf{\noun{This is my tables. }}}
\multirow{2}{*}{\noun{Variables}} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\noun{Name of dependent variables}}\tabularnewline
 & (1)  & (2)  & (3)  & (4)  & (5)  & (6) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of incentives} &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.04)  &  &  & 0.07 (0.17)  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  & 0.00 (0.59)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.63)  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 2012 &  &  & 0.00 (0.11)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.20) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.92)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.60)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.45) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of private benefits} &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.28{*} (0.00)  & 0.24{*} (0.00)  & 0.23{*} (0.00)  & 0.29{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.34{*} (0.00)  & 0.35{*} (0.01)  & 0.37{*} (0.01)  & 0.36{*} (0.00)  & 0.40{*} (0.00)  & 0.41{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.11)  & 0.14{*} (0.01)  & 0.12{*} (0.03)  & 0.08 (0.18)  & 0.13{*} (0.03)  & 0.11{*} (0.04) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.14{*} (0.09)  & 0.15{*} (0.06)  & 0.15{*} (0.07)  & 0.13 (0.12)  & 0.15{*} (0.07)  & 0.14{*} (0.08) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.00 (0.46)  & 0.00 (0.65)  & 0.00 (0.81)  & 0.00 (0.84)  & -0.00 (0.86)  & -0.00 (0.78) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.01 (0.88)  & -0.10 (0.22)  & -0.12 (0.16)  & -0.01 (0.95)  & -0.12 (0.16)  & -0.13 (0.13) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.23{*} (0.07)  & 0.33{*} (0.04)  & 0.34{*} (0.04)  & 0.17 (0.15)  & 0.29{*} (0.06)  & 0.29{*} (0.06) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.03 (0.53)  & 0.04 (0.52)  & 0.02 (0.73)  & 0.02 (0.76)  & 0.00 (0.98)  & -0.01 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.29)  & 0.08 (0.39)  & 0.07 (0.45)  & 0.06 (0.49)  & 0.03 (0.71)  & 0.03 (0.74) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.18)  & 0.10 (0.19)  & 0.06 (0.38)  & 0.02 (0.75)  & 0.03 (0.68)  & 0.00 (0.96) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.14)  & 0.12{*} (0.05)  & 0.10{*} (0.10)  & 0.07 (0.28)  & 0.07 (0.23)  & 0.06 (0.30) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.06 (0.20)  & 0.07 (0.16)  & 0.06 (0.24)  & 0.04 (0.39)  & 0.04 (0.40)  & 0.04 (0.36) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.04 (0.43)  & 0.05 (0.31)  & 0.08 (0.14)  & 0.05 (0.36)  & 0.07 (0.17)  & 0.06 (0.33) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.06)  & 0.09{*} (0.08)  & 0.05 (0.37)  & 0.08 (0.14)  & 0.06 (0.25)  & 0.06 (0.21) \tabularnewline
\emph{Controlling variables: } &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.11{*} (0.00)  & 0.10{*} (0.00)  & 0.09{*} (0.01) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & -0.02{*} (0.00)  & -0.02{*} (0.02)  & -0.01{*} (0.03) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.02 (0.41)  & 0.02 (0.51)  & 0.01 (0.62) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.14{*} (0.01)  & 0.15{*} (0.01)  & 0.16{*} (0.01) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.04 (0.30)  & 0.03 (0.49)  & 0.03 (0.48) \tabularnewline
Constant  & 0.80{*} (0.00)  & 0.80{*} (0.00)  & 0.84{*} (0.00)  & 0.75{*} (0.00)  & 0.75{*} (0.00)  & 0.77{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
Pearson good-of-fitness & 232.03 (1.00) & 213.50 (1.00) & 208.73 (1.00) & 217.32 (1.00) & 200.96 (1.00) & 197.79 (1.00)\tabularnewline
Overdispersion parameter (alpha) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00)\tabularnewline
Observations  & 352  & 324  & 322  & 350  & 323  & 321 \tabularnewline
\multicolumn{7}{c}{ {*} Coefficient significant at least at the 10\% level of significance.


附录:如该包的用户指南第 7 页所述longtable,通过将辅助参数\LTleft和设置\LTright0pt,将设置\tabcolsep0pt,并将指令插入@{\extracolsep{\fill}}环境描述符中,可以获得占据文本longtable块整个宽度的 longtable。(这让 LaTeX 可以确定使表格填满文本块宽度所需的列间空白量。)





%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline




  \setlength\tabcolsep{0pt}  % default value is "6pt"
\caption{\textbf{\noun{This is my tables. }}}
\multirow{2}{*}{\noun{Variables}} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\noun{Name of dependent variables}}\tabularnewline
 & (1)  & (2)  & (3)  & (4)  & (5)  & (6) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of incentives} \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.04)  &  &  & 0.07 (0.17)  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  & 0.00 (0.59)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.63)  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 2012 &  &  & 0.00 (0.11)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.20) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.92)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.60)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.45) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of private benefits}  \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.28{*} (0.00)  & 0.24{*} (0.00)  & 0.23{*} (0.00)  & 0.29{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.34{*} (0.00)  & 0.35{*} (0.01)  & 0.37{*} (0.01)  & 0.36{*} (0.00)  & 0.40{*} (0.00)  & 0.41{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.11)  & 0.14{*} (0.01)  & 0.12{*} (0.03)  & 0.08 (0.18)  & 0.13{*} (0.03)  & 0.11{*} (0.04) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.14{*} (0.09)  & 0.15{*} (0.06)  & 0.15{*} (0.07)  & 0.13 (0.12)  & 0.15{*} (0.07)  & 0.14{*} (0.08) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.00 (0.46)  & 0.00 (0.65)  & 0.00 (0.81)  & 0.00 (0.84)  & -0.00 (0.86)  & -0.00 (0.78) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.01 (0.88)  & -0.10 (0.22)  & -0.12 (0.16)  & -0.01 (0.95)  & -0.12 (0.16)  & -0.13 (0.13) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.23{*} (0.07)  & 0.33{*} (0.04)  & 0.34{*} (0.04)  & 0.17 (0.15)  & 0.29{*} (0.06)  & 0.29{*} (0.06) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.03 (0.53)  & 0.04 (0.52)  & 0.02 (0.73)  & 0.02 (0.76)  & 0.00 (0.98)  & -0.01 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.29)  & 0.08 (0.39)  & 0.07 (0.45)  & 0.06 (0.49)  & 0.03 (0.71)  & 0.03 (0.74) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.18)  & 0.10 (0.19)  & 0.06 (0.38)  & 0.02 (0.75)  & 0.03 (0.68)  & 0.00 (0.96) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.09 (0.14)  & 0.12{*} (0.05)  & 0.10{*} (0.10)  & 0.07 (0.28)  & 0.07 (0.23)  & 0.06 (0.30) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.06 (0.20)  & 0.07 (0.16)  & 0.06 (0.24)  & 0.04 (0.39)  & 0.04 (0.40)  & 0.04 (0.36) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.04 (0.43)  & 0.05 (0.31)  & 0.08 (0.14)  & 0.05 (0.36)  & 0.07 (0.17)  & 0.06 (0.33) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.06)  & 0.09{*} (0.08)  & 0.05 (0.37)  & 0.08 (0.14)  & 0.06 (0.25)  & 0.06 (0.21) \tabularnewline
\emph{Controlling variables: }  \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.11{*} (0.00)  & 0.10{*} (0.00)  & 0.09{*} (0.01) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & -0.02{*} (0.00)  & -0.02{*} (0.02)  & -0.01{*} (0.03) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.02 (0.41)  & 0.02 (0.51)  & 0.01 (0.62) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.14{*} (0.01)  & 0.15{*} (0.01)  & 0.16{*} (0.01) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  &  & 0.04 (0.30)  & 0.03 (0.49)  & 0.03 (0.48) \tabularnewline
Constant  & 0.80{*} (0.00)  & 0.80{*} (0.00)  & 0.84{*} (0.00)  & 0.75{*} (0.00)  & 0.75{*} (0.00)  & 0.77{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
Pearson good-of-fitness & 232.03 (1.00) & 213.50 (1.00) & 208.73 (1.00) & 217.32 (1.00) & 200.96 (1.00) & 197.79 (1.00)\tabularnewline
Overdispersion parameter (alpha) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00) & 0.00 (1.00)\tabularnewline
Observations  & 352  & 324  & 322  & 350  & 323  & 321 \tabularnewline
\multicolumn{7}{c}{ {*} Coefficient significant at least at the 10\% level of significance.



我认为最简单的方法是使用 @{}。使用 @{},您可以使列使用零、自定义甚至负空间(即列重叠)。


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline
\caption{\textbf{\noun{This is my tables. }}}
\multirow{2}{*}{\noun{Variables}} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\noun{Name of dependent variables}}\tabularnewline
& (1)  & (2)  & (3)  & (4)  & (5)  & (6) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of incentives} &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.10{*} (0.04)  &  &  & 0.07 (0.17)  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  & 0.00 (0.59)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.63)  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 2012 &  &  & 0.00 (0.11)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.20) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.92)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.85) \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 &  &  & 0.00 (0.60)  &  &  & 0.00 (0.45) \tabularnewline
\emph{Measures of private benefits} &  &  &  &  &  & \tabularnewline
~~This is a long description that I can't shrink 201 & 0.28{*} (0.00)  & 0.24{*} (0.00)  & 0.23{*} (0.00)  & 0.29{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00)  & 0.25{*} (0.00) \tabularnewline
\end{landscape} [![enter image description here][1]][1]
