我一直在断断续续地寻找这个问题的解决方案或提示。这是让我有点恼火的事情之一,但话说回来,我正在努力拖延写论文,所以我一直拖延着寻找解决 synctex 问题的方法,以及它从 pdf 反向搜索源位置的能力。
我无法使用 MWE 重现该问题。我提供了一个 MWE 来描述 synctex 在什么条件下会失败以及源代码树(见下文)。
|-- abstract.tex
|-- thesis.tex % The main file
|-- Appendix
| |-- appendix1.tex
| |__ ...
|-- Chapter1
| |-- chapter1_main.tex
| |-- chapter1_sec1.tex
| |-- chapter1_sec1_table1.tex
| |-- chapter1_sec2.tex
| |-- chapter1_subsec12.tex
| |__ ...
|__ ChapterN
| |__ ...
我正在使用 LaTeXTools 和 Sublime Text 3,并在 Okular 中可视化 pdf 文档。Synctex 正向和反向搜索适用于所有其他 LaTeX 文档,尤其是单个 .tex 文件。仅适用于某些 .tex 文件。
在第 5 章,一切都崩溃了。使用的 latexmk 命令没有产生(相关)警告,至少 Sublime 控制台在警告后显示一个空列表。所有寻求的解决方案都是为了让 synctex 也能工作,而我的解决方案是在文档中的某个点之后停止工作。
在 synctex 工作和停止工作之间的过渡中,这只是一个常规的部分过渡。这可能是什么?Synctex 溢出?MWE 显示我正在加载的包,但它没有显示我所描述的任何痕迹。我应该在哪里寻找问题的答案?所有花哨的配置都发生在序言中,一些在文档之外,其他的,重新定义等,发生在文档的序言中。然后,我使用图形、表格、列表和算法类型的浮点数。有人遇到过类似的问题吗?
\def\@IEEEcompsocdiamondline{\vrule depth 0pt height 0.5pt width 4cm\hspace{7.5pt}%
\hspace{7.5pt}\vrule depth 0pt height 0.5pt width 4cm\relax}
%%%% This is not for the MWE to work, only for reference of the packages I'm using
% Please create a directory tree where required
% <this_mwe_root_folder>
% |-- mwe_source.tex (this file from TeX stackexchange)
% |-- mwe_chapter1 (mkdir mwe_chapter1)
% | |-- chapter1.tex (mwe writes it)
% | |-- chapter1_sec1.tex (mwe writes it)
% | |-- chapter1_sec1_table.tex (mwe writes it)
% | |-- chapter1_sec2.tex (mwe writes it)
% | |-- chapter1_sec2_table.tex (mwe writes it)
% | |__ ...
% |-- mwe_chapter5 (mkdir mwe_chapter5)
% | |-- chapter5.tex (mwe writes it)
% |__ ...
%!TEX root = ../mwe_source.tex
The Chapter prologue. This is backward search-able. Herein, we input the Sections.
%!TEX root = ../mwe_source.tex
\section{Section 1: Does backward search work?}
This is Section 1 prologue. This is backward search-able. Herein, we would input the Subsections.
At a certain stage, a complex Table is included from its own source, too reduce unintended verbosity.
%!TEX root = ../mwe_source.tex
\section{Section 2: Does backward still search work?}
This is Section 2 prologue. This is backward search-able. Herein, we would input the Subsections.
A complex Table is included from its own source, containing some text as well.
The source of the snippet redirects to the annotations produced by pygmentize, which is expected.
\caption{Endless loop}
%!TEX root = ../mwe_source.tex
\caption{Backward search redirects to a file designated as \emph{this\_mwe\_root\_folder} in my case.}
\begin{tabular}{ r|c|c| }
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{noninteractive}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{interactive} \\
massively multiple & Library & University \\
one-to-one & Book & Tutor \\
%!TEX root = ../mwe_source.tex
This text is completely search-able from the pdf (backward search).
\caption{Backward search redirects to a file designated as \emph{this\_mwe\_root\_folder} in my case.}
\begin{tabular}{ r|c|c| }
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{noninteractive}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{interactive} \\
massively multiple & Library & University \\
one-to-one & Book & Tutor \\
As well as this one.
%!TEX root = ../mwe_source.tex
\chapter{This is getting long}
\section{Section N: Does backward search work?}
Here it stopped, when it should go carry on. Now the redirection opens a file designated as the tree source folder name.
\title{Synctex Failure Details w/ tree structure}
请 mkdir mwe_chapter1 和 mwe_chapter5 作为示例。我看到的警告是:
** WARNING: IEEEtran.bst: No hyphenation pattern has been
** loaded for the language `English'. Using the pattern for
** the default language instead.
** WARNING: IEEEtran.bst: No hyphenation pattern has been
** loaded for the language `English'. Using the pattern for
** the default language instead.
pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier name{cite.author-conferenceYear}) has been already used, duplicate ignored
后者涉及我使用 bibentry 包在贡献列表中内联包含的所有参考文献。