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% list of abbreviation
% class `abbrev': abbreviations:
  short = AED ,
  long  = Animal Estimated Dose ,
  class = abbrev
  short = ApoE ,
  long  = Apolipoprotein E ,
  class = abbrev
  short = Cldn ,
  long  = Claudin ,
  class = abbrev
  short = Ctnnb ,
  long  = Catenin beta,
  class = abbrev
  short =  CVD,
  long  =  Cardio Vascular Disease,
  class = abbrev
  short = DEPC ,
  long  = Diethylpyrocarbonate ,
  class = abbrev
  short = EFSA ,
  long  = European Food Safety Autority ,
  class = abbrev
  short = FMO ,
  long  = Flavin mono-oxygenases ,
  class = abbrev
  short =  GADPH ,
  long  = Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase ,
  class = abbrev
  short = HED,
  long  = Human estimated Dose ,
  class = abbrev
  short = HMW ,
  long  = High Molecular Weight ,
  class = abbrev
  short = LMW ,
  long  = Low Molecular Weight ,
  class = abbrev
  short = LPS ,
  long  = Lipopolysaccharides ,
  class = abbrev
  short = MW ,
  long  = Molecular Weight ,
  class = abbrev
  short = NSP ,
  long  = Non Starch Polysaccharide ,
  class = abbrev
  short = RT,
  long  = Room Temperature ,
  class = abbrev
  short = TLR-4 ,
  long  = Toll like receptor 4 ,
  class = abbrev
  short = TMA ,
  long  = Trimethylamine ,
  class = abbrev
  short = TMAO ,
  long  = Trimethylamine N-oxides ,
  class = abbrev
  short = WHO ,
  long  = World Health Organisation ,
  class = abbrev
  short = ZO-1 ,
  long  = Zonula Occludens 1 ,
  class = abbrev
  short = ZO-2 ,
  long  = Zonula Occludens 2 ,
  class = abbrev
  short = IDLs ,
  long  = Intermediate-density lipoproteins ,
  class = abbrev
  short = SCFA ,
  long  = Short Chain Fatty Acids ,
  class = abbrev
  short = LDL,
  long  = Low Density Lipoprotein ,
  class = abbrev



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 \includegraphics[width = 80mm]{hku-logo.png}\\[2cm]

\center % Center everything on the page

\textsc{\LARGE Stage de Recherche}\\[1.0cm] % Name of your university/college
\textsc{\Large Formation ingénieur Agrosup Dijon }\\[0.5cm] % Major heading such as course name
\textsc{\large Formation initiale, sp\'ecialit\'e Agroalimentaire }\\[0.5cm] % Minor heading such as course title


\HRule \\[0.4cm]
{ \huge {Oat \textgreek{b} -glucan\,in\,ApoE-/- mice:\\ focus\,on\,the\,gut\,integrity\,and\,endotoxemia}}\\[0.4cm]
{\scriptsize \bf{Mots clés}:  \,\textit{Son d'avoine\, – \,Recherche\,– \,Experimentations\,– \, Bibliographie\,–\, Analyse critique. }% Title of your document
\HRule \\[1.5cm]

\textsc{\large Anais Zouaki}\\[1.5cm] % Minor heading such as course title
\begin{flushleft} \large
\emph{Enseignant r\'ef\'erent:}\\
Dr. Cosette \textsc{Grand-Valet} % Your name
{\small Agrosup Dijon}\\
{\scriptsize 26 Boulevard Dr Petitjean, \\ Dijon}
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Tuteur de stage:} \\
Dr. Murphy \textsc{Wan} \\% Supervisor's Name\\
{\small University of Food Sciences}\\
{\scriptsize 6NO1,\,Kadoorie Biological Science Building,\\Hong Kong}

% If you don't want a supervisor, uncomment the two lines below and remove the section above
%\Large \emph{Author:}\\
%John \textsc{Smith}\\[3cm] % Your name


{\large Stage r\'ealis\'e du 23 Mars au 7 Ao\^ut 2015}\\[0.5cm] % Date, change the \today to a set date if you want to be precise
{\large Ann\'e\'e 2015}\\[1cm]

%\includegraphics{Logo}\\[1cm] % Include a department/university logo - this will require the graphicx package


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 \title{Oat\,\textgreek{b} -glucan\,in\,ApoE\,-/- mice: focus\,on\,the\,gut\,integrity\,and\,endotoxemia.}
 \author{Anais Zouaki
\footnote{Corresponding author. Email: [email protected].}, 
\textit{University of Hong Kong}.\\}
 \date{August, 7th. 2015}

 \HRule \\[0.4cm]

According to the \ac{efsa}, the $\beta$-glucan found in oat maintain a normal blood \ac{ldl} cholesterol concentration, increase the satiety leading to a reduction of energy intake, reduction of post-prandial glycemic responses and digestive function, but the relation between oat activity and  \ac{mw} remain unclear.  This study aim to evaluate the effects of oat $\beta$-glucan on gut health with different oat preparations \ac{mw} . A special focus was done on tight junction arrangement, endotoxemia level and gut microbiota. The quantification of intestine mRNA tight junctions reveal a difference between the role played by \ac{lmw} $\beta$-glucan compared to \ac{hmw} $\beta$-glucan and oat unrefined. Tree endotoxins where look at in this study, \ac{lps}, D-lactate and \ac{fmo}. The endotoxins data in this study stay unclear to understand the benefits or cons effects of oat on endotoxemia. The \ac{lps} seems to decrease in contrary to the D-lactate and \ac{fmo} which are higher with oat diets compared to western diet (one of the control group). Finally the key point seem to be the gut microbiota modification induced by oat diets which play an active role on all of those parameters. The data of the gut microbiota population  are currently being running and will probably give us relevant informations to understand those phenomenons. 

 \HRule \\[1cm]

\textbf{Keywords}: \textit{Oat\,- \,\textgreek{b} -glucan \, – \,Gut\,health\,– \,Tights\,junctions\, –\, Endotoxemia .}

resume en francais


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