

我正在使用此代码片段创建一个多列表格。由于列标题很长,我将它们旋转了 90 度。

\caption{Accuracy of Bayesian networks, only for setting 2. Values depict percentage of correct classification for the different ALSFRS values.}
\begin{tabular}{@{}  cl*{10}c @{}}
    & & \multicolumn{10}{}{} \\[2ex]
    & Learning algorithm & \rot{Speech} & \rot{Respiratory} & \rot{Salivation} & \rot{Swallowing} 
    & \rot{Handwriting} & \rot{Cutting} & \rot{\shortstack[l]{Dressing\\Hygiene}} 
    & \rot{\shortstack[l]{Turning\\in Bed}} & \rot{Walking} & \rot{\shortstack[l]{Climbing\\Stairs}} \\
    & PC & $81.4$ & $82.3$ & $82.0$ & $82.2$ & $75.0$ & $78.8$ & $80.1$ & $77.3$ & $79.2$ & $82.3$ \\
    & RMCV (empty initialization) & $82.5$ & $83.2$ & $84.7$ & $82.4$ & $80.1$ & $79.7$ & $83.8$ & $82.9$ & $82.3$ & $83.7$ \\
    & RMCV (naive Bayes initialization) & $79.5$ & $74.5$ & $75.9$ & $78.3$ & $71.0$ & $71.6$ & $78.8$ & $73.3$ & $78.4$ & $77.8$ \\

但是,现在我在前几项中有一些长文本,表格总是溢出页面。我想在第一列中换行,但我似乎找不到放置 p{Xcm} 命令的正确位置,而且我也不知道如何正确限制列的宽度。我对 还不熟悉LaTeX,所以这可能是一个新手问题,但我真的很感激有人能帮助我。谢谢!






    \caption{Accuracy of Bayesian networks, only for Setting~2. 
    \\Values depict percentage of correct classification for the different ALSFRS values.}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{3}{S[table-format=2.1]} }
   & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Learning algorithm}\\
   & {PC} & {RMCV\,\tnote{a}} & {RMCV\,\tnote{b}} \\
Speech           & 81.4 & 82.5 & 79.5 \\
Respiratory      & 82.3 & 83.2 & 74.5 \\
Salivation       & 82   & 84.7 & 75.9 \\
Swallowing       & 82.2 & 82.4 & 78.3 \\
Handwriting      & 75   & 80.1 & 71   \\
Cutting          & 78.8 & 79.7 & 71.6 \\
Dressing Hygiene & 80.1 & 83.8 & 78.8 \\
Turning in Bed   & 77.3 & 82.9 & 73.3 \\
Walking          & 79.2 & 82.3 & 78.4 \\
Climbing Stairs  & 82.3 & 83.7 & 77.8 \\
      \item[a] Empty initialisation.
      \item[b] Naive Bayes initialization.




\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered version of "X" column type
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{@{} C @{}}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro

\caption{Accuracy of Bayesian networks, Setting~2 only.}
Values denote fractions of correct classification for the different ALSFRS values, in percent.

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} lccc @{}}
   & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Learning algorithm}\\
   & \mc{PC} 
   & \mc{RMCV, Empty initialisation} 
   & \mc{RMCV, Naive Bayes initialization} \\
Speech           & 81.4 & 82.5 & 79.5 \\
Respiratory      & 82.3 & 83.2 & 74.5 \\
Salivation       & 82.0 & 84.7 & 75.9 \\
Swallowing       & 82.2 & 82.4 & 78.3 \\
Handwriting      & 75.0 & 80.1 & 71.0 \\ 
Cutting          & 78.8 & 79.7 & 71.6 \\
Dressing Hygiene & 80.1 & 83.8 & 78.8 \\
Turning in Bed   & 77.3 & 82.9 & 73.3 \\
Walking          & 79.2 & 82.3 & 78.4 \\
Climbing Stairs  & 82.3 & 83.7 & 77.8 \\




\usepackage{array, tabularx,threeparttable, makecell}


    \caption{Accuracy of Bayesian networks, only for setting 2. Values depict percentage of correct classification for the different ALSFRS values.}
    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}X*{10}{c} @{}}
      \makecell{Learning\\algorithm} & {\rotcell{Speech}} & {\rotcell{Respiratory}} & {\rotcell{Salivation}} & {\rotcell{Swallowing}} & {\rotcell{Handwriting}} & {\rotcell{Cutting}} & {\rotcell{Dressing\\Hygiene}}
      & {\rotcell{Turning\\in Bed}} & {\rotcell{Walking}} & {\rotcell{Climbing\\Stairs}} \\
      PC & 81.4 & 82.3 & 82.0 & 82.2 & 75.0 & 78.8 & 80.1 & 77.3 & 79.2 & 82.3 \\
         & 82.5 & 83.2 & 84.7 & 82.4 & 80.1 & 79.7 & 83.8 & 82.9 & 82.3 & 83.7 \\
         & 79.5 & 74.5 & 75.9 & 78.3 & 71.0 & 71.6 & 78.8 & 73.3 & 78.4 & 77.8 \\
      \item[a] Empty initialisation.
      \item[b]Naive Bayes initialization.




只需将第一列(c在您的例子中)替换为某个固定宽度的列,例如pmb。该列的宽度就在该说明符后面设置。由于您没有给出 MWE(尤其是 的定义\rot),我不得不猜测一下。我希望我得到了你想要的东西。

% arara: pdflatex


    \caption[you should use a short form for LoT!]{Accuracy of Bayesian networks, only for setting 2. Values depict percentage of correct classification for the different ALSFRS values.}
        Learning algorithm & {\rot{Speech}} & {\rot{Respiratory}} & {\rot{Salivation}} & {\rot{Swallowing} }
        & {\rot{Handwriting}} & {\rot{Cutting}} & {\rot{\parbox{1.4cm}{Dressing\\Hygiene}}} 
        & {\rot{\parbox{1.4cm}{Turning\\in Bed}}} & {\rot{Walking}} & {\rot{\parbox{1.4cm}{Climbing\\Stairs}}} \\
        PC & 81.4 & 82.3 & 82.0 & 82.2 & 75.0 & 78.8 & 80.1 & 77.3 & 79.2 & 82.3 \\
        RMCV (empty initialization) & 82.5 & 83.2 & 84.7 & 82.4 & 80.1 & 79.7 & 83.8 & 82.9 & 82.3 & 83.7 \\
        RMCV (naive Bayes initialization) & 79.5 & 74.5 & 75.9 & 78.3 & 71.0 & 71.6 & 78.8 & 73.3 & 78.4 & 77.8 \\

