使用 amsthm 创建分为小节的定理列表

使用 amsthm 创建分为小节的定理列表

我想修改listoftheorems命令,以便在每章末尾列出上一章中的定理或定义,并将它们按章节划分(它应该看起来像目录,带有加粗的章节标题,然后在下面列出定理/定义)。我使用的是 amsthm,我希望它看起来有点像ToC 类似定义列表(使用定理环境)(除了用章节代替之外,我希望它在每章末尾生成)。





% defining theorem environment
numberwithin = section,




\section{First Section}

This shouldn't be included in the list of theorems from chapter two



\begin{definition}[test definition 1]
Test definition

Best theorem

\section{The next section}

Test 2

Test 3

Now here I want to add a list of the theorems from the last two sections.








% defining theorem environment
numberwithin = section,




% per lazyness we are going to use the default chapter style for rendering
% sections, but the space for the number is then too short
% use tocloft's commands for easier customization
% make regular subection invisible
% pretend theorem in TOC is like subsection
  \etocsetlevel{theorem}{2}% subsection
% make section (the top level local to chapter) be rendered in TOC like
% a chapter. Needs etoc 1.08k [2017/09/28] for \etocsavedchaptertocline
% else we can do manually saving \l@chapter before usage
% this will be rendered like a non-numbered section, but we could have used
% \numberline here also
    {\etocsavedsectiontocline{Theorem \etocnumber}{\etocpage}}
% not deeper than theorem (= subsection)
% top level is anyhow section, as we are local to a chapter
% avoid the global book style which does a \clearpage
% self-explanatory
  \renewcommand{\contentsname}{List of theorems of this chapter, per sections}%
% goes in pair with \invisiblelocaltableofcontents\label{foobar}
% right after \chapter command






\section{First Section}

This shouldn't be included in the list of theorems from chapter two



\begin{definition}[test definition 1]
Test definition

Best theorem

\section{The next section}

Test 2

Test 3

Now here I want to add a list of the theorems from the last two sections.



我添加了 hyperref 以便更清晰地演示。


