在回忆录中使用 threeparttable 时表格标题的宽度

在回忆录中使用 threeparttable 时表格标题的宽度

在下面的 MWE 中,我希望表格标题左对齐,并且最大宽度与表格宽度相同。



\chapter{Chapter one starts here}


Average yields and average income, by State, India}
State & Average yield & Average income\\
Madhya Pradesh & 669 & 13000\\
Haryana & 300 & 25000\\
Punjab & 260 & 35000\\
\item[] \footnotesize Notes:
\item[1] \footnotesize This table is very nice but this note is
very long, so long that it goes wider than the table
\item[2] \footnotesize This is a second note. But this is not
very wide.
\item[] \footnotesize Source: akshd aksjhd akjshd

\chapter{Chapter two starts here}







\chapter{Chapter one starts here}


\begin{table}[htb]   %% add [htb] here for better
Average yields and average income, by State, India}
State & Average yield & Average income\\
Madhya Pradesh & 669 & 13000\\
Haryana & 300 & 25000\\
Punjab & 260 & 35000\\
\item[] \footnotesize Notes:
\item[1] \footnotesize This table is very nice but this note is
very long, so long that it goes wider than the table
\item[2] \footnotesize This is a second note. But this is not
very wide.
\item[] \footnotesize Source: akshd aksjhd akjshd

\chapter{Chapter two starts here}



