我希望在章节末尾添加漂亮的花饰和装饰,以模仿 19 世纪末书籍的风格。经过一番搜索,图案引起我的注意(一个更用户友好的版本ps 向量) 因为 ps 装饰看起来很棒——正是我想要的。
无论如何,在尝试了几次之后,我发现将 PS 图像居中会产生非常糟糕的结果(见下图)。我应该注意,这些示例比我在真实书籍中使用的要大,但它们被放大了,以便更容易看到图像的中心到底在哪里。不仅图像没有居中,而且图像之间的偏移甚至不一致。这使得这个包完全无法使用......
有经验的人能告诉我这里的问题是否特定于图案(文档声称它仍处于测试阶段)或者问题出在 PS 图像本身的创建方式上(即我是否应该尝试直接使用ps 向量或者会有同样的问题吗?)是否有某种方法可以修复此问题,以便居中环境能够正确地与这些对象配合使用?
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% this allows us to use real characters like æ instead of macros like \ae
%easier methods for loading fonts and specifying font features
%Use Junicode for access to runes and other nice medieval features
\setmainfont[Language=Icelandic, Fractions=On]{Junicode}
\newcommand{\jfd}{} %\symbol{"E67D}}
%Switch implementation for end-of-chapter fleurons (below)
\newcommand{\case}[2]{#1 #2} % Dummy, so \renewcommand has something to overwrite...
%Define some colors for the fancy titles
\color{myblue}\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter\\[0.4cm]
%Customize some margions and other lengths
%Although shifted even/odd margins look nice for two sided
%printing, it's distracting when viewing the PDF.
%the default bottom margin is huge, make it a bit smaller
\chapter[Test Ornaments]{Test Ornaments \\ Ornament Test}
来定义命令并得到了想要的结果(我使用 TikZ 在文本区域中间放置一个垂直线作为视觉指南):
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% this allows us to use real characters like æ instead of macros like \ae
%easier methods for loading fonts and specifying font features
%Use Junicode for access to runes and other nice medieval features
%\setmainfont[Language=Icelandic, Fractions=On]{Junicode}
\newcommand{\jfd}{} %\symbol{"E67D}}
%Define some colors for the fancy titles
\color{myblue}\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter\\[0.4cm]
%Customize some margions and other lengths
%Although shifted even/odd margins look nice for two sided
%printing, it's distracting when viewing the PDF.
%the default bottom margin is huge, make it a bit smaller
\chapter[Test Ornaments]{Test Ornaments \\ Ornament Test}
% For testing
% Just to test the centering
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[line width=2pt,cyan]
(current page text area.north) -- (current page text area.south);