文本、边距和文本 + 边距宽度浮动,无需使用 tufte 类

文本、边距和文本 + 边距宽度浮动,无需使用 tufte 类



  • marginfigure页边距中具有宽度的图形\marginparwidth,其标题位于页边距下方;
  • figure正文中带有的图形\textwidth,其标题位于边距之外(且底部对齐);
  • figure*正文和边距上方有一张具有\textwidth + \marginparsep + \marginparwidth宽度的图形,标题位于边距下方。






  1. 相关软件包和 TeX.SE 问题,
  2. marginfigure使用包的成功解决方法capt-of
  3. 尝试模拟tufte类源代码之外的环境:
    • 成功(但笨重)marginfigure
    • 失败的figurefigure*

1. 相关软件包和 TeX.SE 问题


我还发现实现 marginfigure以另一种方式解决问题。



    Some text.
        \captionof{figure}{My caption}%
    More text.

    Another paragraph


3. 尝试在tufte类源代码之外模拟环境




  • marginfigure:我成功复制了tufte-bookclasse的marginfigure环境。

请参阅下文的 MWE。


    \usepackage[a4paper,left=24.8mm,top=27.4mm,headsep=2\baselineskip,textwidth=107mm,marginparsep=8.2mm,marginparwidth=49.4mm,textheight=49\baselineskip,headheight=\baselineskip]{geometry} % tufte-handout definitions


    Say what?!

        \caption{My caption}



\newcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\justifying} %% or \RaggedLeft or \RaggedRight 

% Paragraph indentation and separation for marginal text


{\FloatBarrier% process all floats before this point so the figure/table numbers stay in order.
            \@tufte@caption@font% %%some font definition%%

% Margin figure environment


% Margin table environment

  • figure和:我尝试对和figure*做同样的事情。figurefigure*




        %\input{my-tufte-marginfigure} %% cf. hereinabove


        \caption{My long caption is not \emph{that} long!}

%   \begin{figure*}[h]
%       \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{example-image-c}%
%       \caption{Some caption!}%
%   \end{figure*}




% `symmetric' option -- puts marginpar space to the outside edge of the page
%   Note: this option forces the twoside option (see the .cls files)
    %%%\@tufte@info@noline{The `symmetric' option implies `twoside'}

% A collection of macros to be used with the new Tufte-style float environments.
% \setfloatalignment forces the caption placement to be treated as top, bottom, etc.
% \forcerectofloat forces the float to be treated as if it were appearing on a recto page.
% \forceversofloat does the same, but for verso pages.

\newcommand{\@tufte@float@debug@info}{}% contains debug info generated as the float is processed
\newcommand{\@tufte@float@debug}[1]{% adds debug info to the queue for output

\newcommand{\floatalignment}{x}% holds the current float alignment (t, b, h, p)
\newcommand{\setfloatalignment}[1]{\global\def\floatalignment{#1}\@tufte@float@debug{Forcing position: [#1]}}% manually sets the float alignment
\newcommand{\forcerectofloat}{\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{true}\@tufte@float@debug{Forcing page: [recto]}}
\newcommand{\forceversofloat}{\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{false}\@tufte@float@debug{Forcing page: [verso]}}

% Boxes to temporarily store our float and caption

% Save original LaTeX float environment
% New length for tweaking float captions

% Store the caption and label contents

    \gsetlength{\@tufte@caption@vertical@offset}{-#2}% we want a positive offset to lower captions




% Compute lengths used for full-width displays

\newlength{\@tufte@overhang}% used by the fullwidth environment and the running heads





% Globally sets a boolean

    {% based on code from ifthen pkg
        {\PackageError{ifthen}{You can only set a boolean to `true' or `false'}\@ehc}%
            {\PackageError{ifthen}{Boolean #1 undefined}\@ehc}%

% Detect if the subfigure package has been loaded


% Write our own aliases for the \checkoddpage and \ifoddpage or \ifcpoddpage commands

% Define a float environment to place the captions in the margin space

{% begin @tufte@float
    % Should this float be full-width or just text-width?
    % Check page side (recto/verso) and store detected value -- can be overriden in environment contents
        {\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{true}%%%\@tufte@float@debug{Detected page: [recto/odd]}
        {\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{false}%%%\@tufte@float@debug{Detected page: [verso/even]}
    % If the float placement specifier is 'b' and only 'b', then bottom-align the mini-pages, otherwise top-align them.
    %%%\@tufte@float@debug{Allowed positions: [#1]}%
        {\renewcommand{\floatalignment}{b}%%%\@tufte@float@debug{Presumed position: [bottom]}
        {\renewcommand{\floatalignment}{t}%%%\@tufte@float@debug{Presumed position: [top]}
    % Capture the contents of the \caption and \label commands to use later
        %QUESTION: is ##1 ok?
    % Handle subfigure package compatibility
        {% don't move the label while inside a \subfigure or \subtable command
        }% subfigure package is not loaded
{% end @tufte@float
            \par\hbox{}\vspace{-\baselineskip}\ifthenelse{\prevdepth>0}{\vspace{-\prevdepth}}{}% align baselines of boxes
    % build the caption box
            \par\vspace{-\prevdepth}%% TODO: DOUBLE-CHECK FOR SAFETY
    % now typeset the stored boxes
    \@tufte@orig@endfloat% end original LaTeX float environment
    % output debug info
%   \ifthenelse{\boolean{@tufte@debug}}%
%       {%
%           \typeout{^^J^^J----------- Tufte-LaTeX float information ----------}%
%           \ifthenelse{\equal{\@tufte@stored@label}{}}%
%           {\typeout{Warning: Float unlabeled!}}%
%           {\typeout{Float label: [\@tufte@stored@label]}}%
%           \typeout{Page number: [\thepage]}%
%           \def\MessageBreak{^^J}%
%           \typeout{\@tufte@float@debug@info}%
%           \ifthenelse{\boolean{@tufte@symmetric}}%
%           {\typeout{Symmetric: [true]}}%
%           {\typeout{Symmetric: [false]}}%
%           \typeout{----------------------------------------------------^^J^^J}%
%       }{%
%       }%
    % reset commands and temp boxes and captions
    \gsetlength{\@tufte@caption@vertical@offset}{0pt}% reset caption offset

            {% asymmetric or page is odd, so caption is on the right
                \@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [right]}%
            }{% symmetric pages and page is even, so caption is on the left
                \@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [left]}%

            {% place caption above figure
                    {\hfill\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\par\usebox{#2}\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [above right]}}% caption on the right
                    {\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\hfill\par\usebox{#2}\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [above left]}}% caption on the left
            }{% place caption below figure
                    {\usebox{#2}\par\hfill\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [below right]}}% caption on the right
                    {\usebox{#2}\par\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\hfill\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [below left]}}% caption on the left

% Redefine the figure environment to place the captions in the margin space


% Redefine the table environment to place the captions in the margin space


% Full-width figure


% Full-width table




    \usepackage[a4paper,left=24.8mm,top=27.4mm,headsep=2\baselineskip,textwidth=107mm,marginparsep=8.2mm,marginparwidth=49.4mm,textheight=49\baselineskip,headheight=\baselineskip]{geometry} % tufte-handout definitions

        \caption{My caption}

        \sidecaption{My caption}

        \sidecaption{My caption}


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


我参加这个聚会已经有点晚了,但最近可能还有另一个值得一试的选择,即kaobook课程。风格有点不同,但它吸收了许多来自tufte并且正在积极开发中(截至 2021 年)。
