

我正在处理一个 2 列文档中的表格。如何让表格适合列


  Sequence & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{D-GEM} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Kerl \textit{et al.} \cite{conf/icra/KerlSC13} }\\
  %\cline{2-4} \cline{4-7}
  & $\delta=1$  & $\delta=5$ & $\delta=20$ & $\delta=1$ & $\delta=10$ & $\delta=20$ \\
fr2/desk     &    0.0324    &  0.0706        &  0.1529   &  0.0333       & 0.0831     &   0.2217  \\
fr1/desk    & 0.0289          & 0.0486           &  0.0948   &   0.0346     &  0.1223   &   0.4286   \\
fr1/desk2   &     0.0335     & 0.0745     &   0.1818     &   0.0343     & 0.1103    &  0.3658    \\
fr1/floor   &     0.0355    &   0.0884    &  0.1988  &   0.0330     &   0.1036   &   0.3380   \\
fr1/room     &   0.0353 &   0.0981     &  0.2514  &    0.0307   &   0.1009   &   0.3399   \\
fr2/desk\_with\_person   &    0.0125    &  0.0240     &  0.0594   &     0.0137   &  0.0447   &  0.1516     \\
fr3/sitting\_halfsphere  &   0.0208 &  0.0535       &  0.1462    &    0.0181   &  0.0704   &   0.2599   \\
fr2/pioneer\_slam2   &    0.0593    &  0.1626     &   0.4447  &    0.0847   &  0.2156    &   0.4707   \\
\caption{RMSE values of the Relative Pose Errors for various sequences.}



  • \small字体较小

  • 减少列间距(\tabcolsep

  • 没有垂直线

  • 第一列的大小有限,带有换行符

  • ...

\small将未更改的表格与宽度减少75% 的表格进行比较的示例\tabcolsep

  Sequence & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{D-GEM} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Kerl \textit{et
  al.} \cite{conf/icra/KerlSC13} }\\
  %\cline{2-4} \cline{4-7}
  & $\delta=1$  & $\delta=5$ & $\delta=20$ & $\delta=1$ & $\delta=10$ &
$\delta=20$ \\
fr2/desk     &    0.0324    &  0.0706        &  0.1529   &  0.0333       &
0.0831     &   0.2217  \\
fr1/desk    & 0.0289          & 0.0486           &  0.0948   &   0.0346
&  0.1223   &   0.4286   \\
fr1/desk2   &     0.0335     & 0.0745     &   0.1818     &   0.0343     &
0.1103    &  0.3658    \\
fr1/floor   &     0.0355    &   0.0884    &  0.1988  &   0.0330     &
0.1036   &   0.3380   \\
fr1/room     &   0.0353 &   0.0981     &  0.2514  &    0.0307   &   0.1009
&   0.3399   \\
fr2/desk\_with\_person   &    0.0125    &  0.0240     &  0.0594   &
0.0137   &  0.0447   &  0.1516     \\
fr3/sitting\_halfsphere  &   0.0208 &  0.0535       &  0.1462    &    0.0181
&  0.0704   &   0.2599   \\
fr2/pioneer\_slam2   &    0.0593    &  0.1626     &   0.4447  &    0.0847
&  0.2156    &   0.4707   \\
\caption{RMSE values of the Relative Pose Errors for various sequences.}

  Sequence & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{D-GEM} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Kerl \textit{et
  al.} \cite{conf/icra/KerlSC13} }\\
  %\cline{2-4} \cline{4-7}
  & $\delta=1$  & $\delta=5$ & $\delta=20$ & $\delta=1$ & $\delta=10$ &
$\delta=20$ \\
fr2/desk     &    0.0324    &  0.0706        &  0.1529   &  0.0333       &
0.0831     &   0.2217  \\
fr1/desk    & 0.0289          & 0.0486           &  0.0948   &   0.0346
&  0.1223   &   0.4286   \\
fr1/desk2   &     0.0335     & 0.0745     &   0.1818     &   0.0343     &
0.1103    &  0.3658    \\
fr1/floor   &     0.0355    &   0.0884    &  0.1988  &   0.0330     &
0.1036   &   0.3380   \\
fr1/room     &   0.0353 &   0.0981     &  0.2514  &    0.0307   &   0.1009
&   0.3399   \\
fr2/desk\_with\_person   &    0.0125    &  0.0240     &  0.0594   &
0.0137   &  0.0447   &  0.1516     \\
fr3/sitting\_halfsphere  &   0.0208 &  0.0535       &  0.1462    &    0.0181
&  0.0704   &   0.2599   \\
fr2/pioneer\_slam2   &    0.0593    &  0.1626     &   0.4447  &    0.0847
&  0.2156    &   0.4707   \\
\caption{RMSE values of the Relative Pose Errors for various sequences.}


